Friday, March 28, 2008

Things You Just Don't Talk About

Most everybody enjoys a good conversation. The topic really isn't important. It could be sports, the weather, the last movie you saw or what you did on vacation. Good conversation can stimulate the mind like nothing else. And if everyone involved is fairly educated on the topic, it makes it even better. I love to talk...just ask anyone. But over the years, I have learned one very important rule regarding conversation. There are three things you never talk about: Politics, abortion, and religion. There may be some le-way if it is just you and a spouse, or good friend. But if you are at a party, and don't really know the people you are talking to all that well....please avoid these topics. Everyone has a strong opinion when it comes to these topics, and odds are you are not going to change their mind on how they feel. If anything, it will usually end up in anger. A Democrat will never sway a Republican. A pro-life believer will never sway someone who is pro-choice. And a Catholic will never convince a Baptist to cross over to the dark side. It just doesn't happen.

So whats my point?Photobucket

The other day I read a letter written by a gentlemen in Cincinnati. The letter was printed in the local paper, and basically he told black people to quit holding slavery against white people. That slavery was a long time ago, and nobody alive today had anything to do with it. "Get over it" seemed to be his message. Now do I really need to say that this should be classified in the "things you don't talk about" category? I am not even going to express my thoughts on the topic. They are neither here nor there. I am not educated enough about slavery to offer an opinion. I am however, educated enough to know that there is not an African-American out there who is going to see your point and just "get over it".

We live in such a tense racial world as it is. One thing we all agree on is that slavery was bad. No human, regardless of color, deserved to be treated like that. What I don't understand is why this individual felt inclined to even bring it up and write in about it. What was he thinking he was going to accomplish? His beliefs and opinions are his, and that is fine. But this is one topic you just don't talk about in that manner. If he wanted to have a discussion about it with some African-Americans, and find out why he "thinks" they are still angry, then he should have done just that. Maybe he could have expressed his confusion as to why he thinks he is being held responsible for slavery existing in America. Maybe someone could have explained to him that it was the root of racial divide as we know it. Maybe he could have presented his thoughts in an intelligent way, as opposed to just saying "I didn't do it". Odds are, someone in his family tree was somehow, someway, involved in slavery. Iell...they may have even been a slave. Remember, there were white slaves and black slave owners as well....just something to think about.

So next time you are at a party, or hanging out with friends, and you decide to have a discussion, just be mindful of what you are really talking about. Different things affect everyone in a different way. if you say that you think the Cincinnati Red's stink, you are not going to offend someones personal beliefs. If you say that the Jews all deserved to die, you might catch an ass whooping. There are just some things you don't talk about.

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