Monday, April 7, 2008

New Week = New Idiot

With all of the bone headed things I see and hear, I may be able to make my "Idiot of the week" colum a regular occurrence. If you live in Cincinnati, you have all heard the local Budweiser commercials on the radio making fun of a variety of people. You know....the ones that go "here's to you Mr. Cut off jeans short guy", or "Mr. Big foam finger guy". Well I have a new one to add, but we will get to that in a minute. I want to set it up a little first.

Sports talk personality Jim Rome is a guy who loves pointing out boneheads. One of my favorites is his take on the idiots who attend golf tournaments. His reference is to the people who yell "get in the hole" every time Tiger Woods tee's off. Now this is exciting the first 2...maybe 3 times. And it only works on the par 3's. For all of you idiots who yell it on every single the par 4's and 5's...please stop. You are ruining our viewing pleasure. I mean often do we see a hole in one on a par 4, and you will never see one on a par 5. So please, for the love of all that is holy.....STOP!

This brings me to my guy...or should I say group of guys. "Here's to you Mr. sit behind home plate at a baseball game and wave while on your cell phone guy". Did you get all of that? Yes, I am talking about the idiots who sit behind home plate during televised baseball games, find out we can see them via cell phone, then wave. Granted, this is acceptable for a few waves once you find out you are on the boob tube. But for the love of God, do you really need to wave every single pitch for the whole damn game? We get it....WE SEE YOU!!!!! It's not like you are on ABC's World news while standing next to the Pope for the whole world to see. are on Fox Sports Ohio, and other than the person you are talking to on your cell phone...we do not care. If anything, you are making the game worse for us. So please...hang up your phone, drink your beer, and enjoy the game. That is what the rest of us are trying to do
On another note...I would like to give a shout out to my Sister Tara who works for ABC in New York City. Yesterday she ran a half marathon and not only finished the race, but with a decent time. And if that was not enough, later that night she won an Emmy for her work at ABC. Congrats Tara...we are all so proud of you. The only way I am running 13.1 miles is if someone is chasing me :)


Anonymous said...

I am SOOO with you on this one!!

jude camberos said...
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jude camberos said...

Good idiot of the week.
Not exactly singling some one out.
O, and congrats on the 1/2 marathon.
It's hard, I've ran 7, but only 16:)