Monday, March 10, 2008

Idiot of the Week

Since my last post, I have been struggling a little bit on what I should write about next. You have to love it when it just falls in your lap. On Mondays I volunteer at our neighborhoods Senior Center, taking a group of elderly ladies to the local grocery store so they can do their shopping. They are unable to drive, so I do it for them. Sometimes they like me to come inside and help them, and other times they like to do it on their own. Today they wanted to do it themselves, so I waited in the van while they shopped. To pass the time I grabbed a copy of the Cincinnati Enquirer and a Diet Coke. As I started reading the "letters to the Editor", the semi-lit lightbulb in my head went off when I got to a letter from Jude Camberos of Reading, Ohio. "Thank you Jude" I said. "Thank you for curing my writers block by my opinion.....such an idiot". Let me post his letter first, then if it is even neccesary, we can disect it like a 10th grader disects a frog in Biology class....quick and brutal:


Stephen Wolf has just been sentenced to eight years in prison for his multiple DUI convictions ("Facing the DUI music," Feb. 18). This is ridiculous. Punishment in this depth should not be sentenced for driving under the influence charges. Unless the man has injured or killed others, this is not necessary. This man obviously knew what he could do without endangering others.

If anything, Wolf's prison-bound charges should be for his hit-and-run incident last summer. Eight years of this man's life will now be ruined. His abstinence of alcohol may be present in prison, but now his life and those of others are hurt.

DUIs should not be charged with prison time but have more convictions toward community service or fines. Also, more strict penalties on revoked licenses could be enforced. This man will lose eight years of his life for mistakes he made while intoxicated. Intoxication does alter decisions, and Wolf obviously made bad choices.

Jude Camberos, Reading

Has anyone else had to make a trip to the medicine cabinet for 2 Advil and a bandaid for your scalp from scratching it so hard it started to bleed? When I started reading his letter, I thought maybe he was going to suggest that getting repeat DUI offenders help was a better alternative than prison. Maybe putting them in rehab, or alcohol awareness classes could be usefull. I'm not saying I agree with that. Everyone makes mistakes. Trust me...I understand that better than anyone. But what our gum ball machine legal expert failed to mention was that this was Mr. Wolf's 19th DUI. deserve to go to jail for having 19 DUI's, if not for less than that. Good ole' Jude thought community service would make a 19 time DUI offender see the light. That would be about as effective as using gasoline to put out a fire. This man obviously had no intention on ever giving up drinking, or driving when he had been drinking. Forget that he did not have a license and was still driving. How many laws does one have to break before jail is considered a "reasonble" form of punishment? Can you fill me in on that Jude?

The last time I had a look of disbelief on my face so big that you could see it a mile away, was when President Bush gave his State of the Union Adress. Our esteemed author actually says (with a straight face I'm guessing): "Unless the man has injured or killed others, this is not necessary. This man obviously knew what he could do without endangering others.". Photobucket He obviously knew what he could do without endangering others? Wow! were aware that people were actually going to read this, right? That has got to be the most idiotic, asinine, half-witted, moronic, unintelligent thing I have ever heard. I am going to go out on a limb and guess that Jude has recieved a "few" DUI's himself. Of course that is purley speculation. I'm not saying he has. I could be wrong.

Jude feels all sad inside that this individual is going to lose 8 years of his life for "getting caught" driving drunk 19 times. Who knows how many times he didn't get caught. What happens the next time he operates his vehicle with yellow tags while inebriated? What if he kills someone the 20th time? Does he deserve jail then? By putting this individual behind bars now, not only are we all a little more safe, but others will see what happens when you REPEATEDLY tell the law to go screw itself. And Maybe, just maybe.....someone, somewhere, will choose to hand over the keys next time they have had to much to drink. Even if only one person see's the light from all of this, that is one less drunk driver on the road. Everyone has heard the old saying "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". Jude...for you I say: "If you don't have anything that makes even an ounce of sense, don't say anything at all".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jude's letter made me LOL. He definitely deserves the "Idiot of the Week" award.