Sunday, March 16, 2008

Am I Just a Bitter Person?

The more I come up with things to write about, the more I find myself asking...."Am I just an angry, bitter person, or is everyone else just crazy?" Let me explain. 95% of my topics come from things I see, hear, or read about....and usually that day. When I read something idiotic, hear something idiotic, or see just plain idiots, my inspiration flourishes. But as the day goes on and I process my thoughts, I often wonder if I just let things bother me too much, or if I have a legitimate reason for bitching. I like to believe other people feel the same way as I do, but they chose to just let it go. I on the other hand like to exploit it. Without that I would be writing about puppies and dandelions. And if I wrote about puppies and dandelions, I would only have 1/3 of the amount of traffic I get on my site......or 1 person instead of 3....counting myself. The only thing I know about puppies is they like to attack my cat to the brink of death, and I don't know squat about dandelions. Aren't they a weed? Anyway, we have strayed way off track here. Back to my point.

It all started when I got off work and decided to hit the local Kroger to pick up something for dinner. I was in the mood for something nice. So I went for the boneless chicken TV dinner instead of the bone in chicken. Wait...I'm getting ahead of myself here.

So I pull into the Kroger parking lot, and you would have thought we were expecting 1/2 inch of snow. That is how crazy crowded it was. Good thing I didn't need milk or bread. As I'm looking for a parking spot, the idiots start to come out. I mean they are everywhere. It starts with this lady...maybe 30 something. Now let me set this up. When someone comes out of the store, 10 out of 10 times I will stop and wave them across. But what I was noticing was that this lady just darts across the road without looking or even making an attempt to stop. Like she was the only person that mattered. We should all look out for her. That really didn't fire me up. I just called her a jackass and prepared to move on. But then another woman, with 3 young children does the same thing. Followed by an elderly man, and so on. I sat still for a few minutes if for nothing else than to keep from killing one of them. Are people this clueless, or have we reached the era of "it's all about me? They don't even bother to make an attempt at stopping to look. it is basically "screw you people, I will do what I want". Now the actual act of this asinine behavior doesn't really bother me. It is the thought process that enables the behavior. People just don't give a crap about anyone but themselves anymore. Keep in mind here that I am using my Kroger trip merely as an example. if this was the only time it happened, I would laugh it off. But it exists on a daily basis in a variety of situations.

So once I am able to move, I take a right and proceed to look for a parking spot. I make my way down one of the rows, and idiot number 2 makes his appearance. The lady with 2 kids who is parked near the front of the store gets to her car and starts to load her groceries and get her children in the car. The idiot is the guy in the car ahead of me. He is stopped in the middle of the aisle with his blinker on...letting us all know that is his spot. He is in the middle so he can make the turn, and he is about 5 feet from her car. Nobody is stealing his spot. Here in lies my rage. A) I can't get around the guy. B) The lady just started unloading her cart, so she will be a while. C) there was a parking spot open about 3 spots back. And D)..this is the kicker. He is stopped so damn close to her car that she can't even get out. He ends up having to back up, which means myself, and the guy behind me have to back up as well. Did I do that scenario justice? Do you all know what I am talking about? God I can't stand that guy. Another case of "screw everyone else. I will do what I want so I don't have to walk my fat ass another 10 feet".

So idiot number 2 gets his prized parking spot and I am prepared to make a left to check the next aisle for a parking spot. As I reach the store exit, I notice an elderly lady that actually stopped for traffic. I wave for her to cross. As I am doing this, the hag behind me with a Pall Mall hanging from her lips and yapping into her cell phone is honking at me and throwing up her arms at me. Basically telling me to move, she is in a hurry, and the 5 seconds I am taking to let the sweet old lady cross the street is unacceptable. This one pissed me off. I decided to let a hand full of other citizens cross before I moved. This resulted in some more honking and not so nice hand gestures.
PhotobucketSo up the next aisle I go, and there she she is. The biggest offender of the Kroger parking lot idiot club. I am referring to the lady who walks down the middle of the aisle with her cart on her way to her car. You all know who she is. I mean come on. If ever there was an example of "screw everyone else, it is all about me" is with this lady.

So my point is this. Are people just inconsiderate idiots? Are they just clueless? Or am I just a bitter person who lets the small stuff get to me? I suppose it could be a little bit of all 3. I really don't sit around wondering what I can complain about next. Do these people, and not just at Kroger, bother you too....or is it just me?


Anonymous said...

Ok I know exactly what your talking about with all of them. I've had all of the things you mentioned happen to me and yes they are arrogant and selfish people but I also think you let it get to you a bit too much.
My ex-husband was also that way and would get overly mad at things like this and then ruin mine and his whole day over it.
People are asses but don't let it ruin your day. Theres more important things to worry about.

Hope your having a better day today!

Tracy said...

It depends on the day and my mood. Today (the day before Easter), I was at Kroger and starting to get mad in the packed parking lot. Then I chose to park extra far away and walk, instead of dealing with the other shoppers and finding a parking spot. Once inside, I turned my iPod on and chose to ignore everyone else and the madness inside.