Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Somewhere along the line, the idea that people actually give a crap about what I have to say crossed my mind. I always dismissed the notion due to the fact that I don't really give a crap about what I say....or anyone else for that matter. But as time went by, I found myself reading more articles, letters to the editor, editorials, and so on. Then I noticed that I was routinly finding myself saying "is this person serious" when I was finished. Next thing you know, I am writing letters to the editor myself, if for no other reason, to let them know that not everyone, or at least this one....thinks that way. That is the point...right? It is only my opinion. It does not make you wrong or me right. I find it amazing that people don't have better things to do than complain about the name of a TV show, what their children watch when they should be controlling it, or how Un-American we are, should we ever talk bad about the President. So what do I do? Turns out I have nothing better to do than point out to those people, that they have nothing better to do. Everyone get that? Let's all say it 3 times fast for S&G.

So now I come up with a brilliant plan. I will post it for all to see rather than share it with my friends and family and local paper readers. I am just a guy with an opinion. An opinion that life has become to damn serious. Yes things are different than when we were kids. But things were different during our childhood compared to our parents, and so on. But some things have always remained true. Kids bully each other, people protest, spouses cheat, the economy comes and goes, and so on. We have just decided that it is easier to blame Spongebob for my kid saying something nasty to your kid, Jamie Lynn Spears for your kid getting knocked up at age 16, and Barry Bonds for your kid thinking he needs steroids to play better. The truth is, the Roadrunner was always mean to the coyote, 3 girls in my High School had babies by graduation, and Pete Rose bet on baseball. I'm guessing that 98% of the kids I grew up with ended up ok. You will always have bad seeds. I don't care what you make them watch, let them eat, or limit thier music to, they will stray. If my kid gets knocked up at an early age I will blame myself for not talking to her more and educating her....and I will blame her for making a bad decision. At no point during my "blame session" will I mention the name of Brittney Spears little sister. This goes for everything in life. We are so convinced that everything is bad for us, and it is someone else's fault. Take president Bush. He has pretty much single handedly run this country into the ground. But it's not his fault. We knew his his policies when he was running for office. It is the fault of those who voted to put him in office. Are you seeing my point here? let's stop worrying that if we don't all eat dinner together at 6:00 sharp, 7 nights a week, that our families are going to grow up in disaray. Let's stop worrying that if our son's idolised Barry Bonds they are going to use drugs. Let's worry more about not having a reason for not eating together or our son's idolising us, who tend to dissapoint them along the way just as much as anyone. Let's stop taking life so damn serious. It is just life.....and as far as I know...nobody is getting out of it alive. Let's spend more time enjoying ourselves and each other. If someone says something, or does something stupid, let it go. Leave it me to point it out. I will be sure to let you know. That's what I'm here for.

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