Thursday, February 28, 2008

Morning Rant

What a beautiful morning. I woke up to a very frigid 9 degree's outside, but then again, it is February...right? I went outside to get the morning paper, only to discover that my delivery guy must have had a rough night. I can understand missing the driveway by a few feet to the right or left, but in the middle of my yard? Once inside, and having tended to my frostbite, I sat down to read my favorite paper, while listening to the Today Show in the background. I always read the Sports section first to but me in a good mood, and finish with the Forum section so my entire reading experience is not tainted from the start. We have some rather bright individuals in our lovely city who are so kind to grace us on a daily basis with their infinite wisdom. Of course most of them are idiots and not opinionated and open minded like myself.

let's see what is making the headlines today:

The dollar is at an all time low. Well that can't be good. It seems the only 2 Countries where the dollar is still worth more than the local currency are South Africa and South Korea. Anyone planning on going there any time soon?

On the heel's of the dollars value being worth about as much as Bill "Willy" Cunningham's endorsement of John McCain, we have President Bush insisting we are not in a recession. According to our beloved Commander in Chief, we are in a "Economic Slowdown". I tried to look up the difference but was unable to find anything that clearly separated the two. It's really just semantics anyway isn't it?

An Australian Lawyer was killed by a shark while diving in the Bahama's. OK..this peaks my interest. We all know that my greatest fear in life is to be attacked by a shark, somehow make it to shore...only to be bit by a poisonous snake while bleeding on the beach. What? Everyone has an idea on the worst way to die, right? Anyway, I'm feeling bad for this guy, right. Stupid sharks. Wait a minute....uhhhh.....nevermind. Stupid Lawyer. Turns out the wise Aussie was doing an un-caged dive while using chum to attract sharks for viewing. That makes about as much sense as the Pope performing a Jewish wedding. The shark is off the hook this time.

Housing is at an all time low.

Oil is at $100 a barrel.

Oil Company's reported record income for 07.

The Bearcats blew another game.

Drew Peterson claims he didn't kill his 4th wife, who is missing, or have anything to do with his 3rd wife's death, which is now being ruled a homicide. ( may want to avoid this guy)

Someone in Iraq blew themselves up.

And to top it all off, my 3 year old woke up with a diaper that would have offended Pigpen from the Peanut's gang.

Lucky for me, I am a "the glass is half full" kind of guy. I mean, not all is bad. I have my health. President Bush only has a few more months in office. Spring training games started yesterday. I have a wonderful wife and 3 great kids, along with a loving family. So let's take all of this negative and turn it into a positive. Based on what we have covered today, I offer you this parting advice:

"Stay inside. Plan a vacation to either South Africa or South Korea, but stay away from the Bahama's. Buy a Hybrid car and stock in an oil company. Don't put your house on the market just yet. If you are moving into a new house and plan on having a house warming not invite Drew Peterson. Be happy the Bearcats are at least competitive this year, and avoid my 3 year old until a bath has been administered.
Good Day!!!!!!

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