Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Endorsement time....Again!

After my attempt to be a non-biased American citizen and follow all of the Presidential candidates closely, picking the one I feel would best lead us to a better quality of life as a whole (which a monkey could do compared to the current administration)...I have pulled a John Kerry and flip-flopped. As you all remember, I earlier gave my all so important endorsement to Mr. John McCain....a first for this born and raised Democrat. It was truly a historic day. But since that day, I have come to learn one very important fact about the Senator that has caused my fluxuation in decision making....."What a Jackass"!!!!!!!!!! What happened to him? He went from a guy who appealed to everyone...Dems, Republicans, wealthy, poor,black,white. He was likeable and trustworthy to stand up against his own party when need be. Since that day, he has turned into Bush Junior. I would vote for David Dukes, or even worse...Dennis Kucinich.. before I voted for a George Bush clone (ok...the Kucinich comment was out of line...sorry). And while McCain has completed his metamorphosis into a typical run of the mill Republican, citing superiority over all common folk, Senator Barack Obama has made his own transformation. He has really impressed me lately. So stop the presses, bath the cat, and clip your toenails in a counter-clockwise fashion. I will now be lending my vote to Obama. Tara...can you break into programming with the news? I do find myself in a bit of a quandary though. I am voting Obama, not just Democrat. While I support the Democratic rule of Government as a whole, I will be sleeping in on Election day if Hillary Clinton is on the ballot. Who knows...if she gets the nod, and Bloomberg decides to run, I may be like a fish out of water and flip-flopping all over again.

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