Let me ask all of you a question. If someone does not agree with you on a certain issue, are they a bad person, or are they a person with a voice, just like you? I know my answer. And I believe I know what the majority of you would say. Unfortunately, there are those living among us who do not share this same philosophy. It is either their way or the wrong way, that is it. I love Anderson Township. I have lived here all my life and I plan on keeping it that way. I can’t think of a better place I would want to raise my family. The residents are good, decent people who, for the most part, care about their neighbors. This is a community that would come together and help total strangers if need be. Sadly though, there is one area that divides us greatly, and that is Politics. It is not sad because people believe in different sides. That is actually one of the things that make this nation so great. It is sad because during the recent election, ignorance and hatred took over political opinion, and that is lose-lose for everyone.
One of the most abused amendments in this country is the freedom of speech. Since when does putting a sign in your place of business that not only lies about someone, but attacks their race and their religion, become an acceptable platform for expressing your constitutional right? Since when does writing letters to the editor calling everyone idiots for voting the wrong guy into office equal respecting your fellow man/woman’s right to their own opinion? Since when does saying things like “I hope Obama gets assassinated,” and “it is called the White House for a reason,” represent caring for one another? These are all things I have seen and heard in Anderson over the past few weeks, and I have to say….I find it disgusting.
If you want to place a sign in your place of business showing support for a certain candidate, by all means do it. We all do it. But don’t insult the rest of us by doing so. If you want to display your dis-satisfaction with a candidate, do it, but have your facts straight. Do you think the owner of that business knows that Barrack Obama is not even a Muslim, he is a Christian? Or do you think he just doesn’t care? And what if he was a Muslim? What’s the point? Islam is the second largest religion in the world. So when you portray someone as a Muslim terrorist, the message I am getting is that they think ALL Muslims are terrorists. Considering there are over 2.5 billion practicing Muslims, this claim is not only ignorant, it is completely absurd. It is on a level of disrespect to not just Muslims, but all people of faith, that can’t be explained. But karma is a funny thing, and my guess is that the sales for that business will reflect that in the future.
Here’s one that totally caught me off guard: “It is called the White House for a reason.” Do I really need to discuss what is wrong with that statement? I didn’t think so.
How about “He is not our first African American President, he is our first bi-racial President.” I love how some people want to get all technical and try to take away anything they can from Obama. Again, look at the facts. Considering his Father is from Africa and his Mother is from America, I would say that makes him our first African American President in every sense of the word.
The intent of this article is not to praise President-elect Obama. It is to point out that we should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing this kind of behavior. Had John McCain won, I have no doubt people would be doing the same thing to him, and it would be just as wrong. This is bigger than Republican and Democrat, black and white. This is about respect and hoping for the best for our country. So your guy didn’t win, sorry about that. But rather than spending enormous amounts of energy trying to convince everyone of what a horrible mistake we made, how about getting behind your country and rooting him on to succeed. The way I see it is if President-elect Obama fixes this country, we all win in some shape or form. It is going to take a while for him to correct all of the failed policies of the past eight years. But until he screws up, give him the benefit of the doubt. When President Bush was elected, it was not what I wanted at the time. But I hoped and prayed that he would make the place I love great. I gave him the benefit of the doubt until he screwed up. This is about being an American and wanting the United States of America restored to it glorious position among nations. Maybe you don’t think he can do it. And maybe he can’t. We won’t know that for a while. But stop using the “he has no experience” card. There is only one thing that qualifies you to be President, and that is actually BEING President. Bill Clinton and George Bush didn’t have badges that said “qualified to be President.” The experience comes from doing the job.
The post election edition of the Forest Hills Journal had a section displaying people’s reaction to the election. I was one of those people. Along with me, 2 other’s said they were going to back Obama. Basically saying what I am here. He is my President and I am behind him until he gives me a reason not too. I found this a bit strange considering Anderson Township is not known for its strong Democrat support. However, I have to say I was amused by the one individual who was not to happy with the results. The fact that he said he didn’t, and still does not want Obama as his President didn’t bother me. That is him voicing his opinion. It was how he listed inaccurate and biased information supporting his thoughts. He said that the Mean spirited attacks on John McCain by Barrack Obama will not be forgotten. If he wants to remember all of the ad’s and dwell on them, that is his right. But please don’t write a letter insulting our intelligence. Not only did BOTH sides run negative campaign ad’s, but every poll I could find before writing this letter shows America believes McCain ran a dirtier campaign. So to try and spin it thinking the rest of us missed all of those ads is not only biased, but it is simply incorrect. Then again, the author of that letter has made it no secret on he feels about people associated with the dreaded “D” word.
Think about it. If someone does not agree with your views, respect them for that. You are not right and vice versa. We all have a voice and we should use it. But in the process don’t try and quiet someone else’s. Of course this is all just my opinion, and like anything else in life, I could be wrong.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I'm Back
For anyone that actually reads the dribble I write, I apolagize for not posting anything in a few months. I was suffering from major writers block, and I didn't want to just throw anything up there. The election was getting to easy and everyone was writing about it. I have been working on some things and will have new posts soon
Friday, August 29, 2008
Republican's Don't Use Turn signals!!!!!
It's true. Republicans do not use their turn signals. At first I figured it was just a coincidence. But after seeing it 5 times within 3 days, I decided to start paying attention. If you have not said "what the hell is he talking about" yet, let me explain. It's simple really. Cars with a McCain or Bush bumper sticker did not use the proper method of letting other motorists know they were about to make a turn. Cars with an Obama sticker did. There you have it. You can't argue with science.
So why is this? Do Republicans think they are above the law? Is it all about them? Should we just get out of their way and let them do what they want, no matter how dangerous it may be, or no matter how bad the outcome may be? Oh...wait a minute...all of this sounds rather familiar. Who recently did their own thing with no concern for the potential outcome? It's on the tip of my tongue. Why can't I think of it? You know...he didn't care about others and acted in a very dangerous manner. The end result was/has been disastrous? Oh well...it will come to me.
Think about it. This earth shattering research has huge implications in the up-coming election. Do we want a country full of non turn signal using citizens? Or do we want a country full of polite, courteous drivers? I'm not saying who to vote for. I'm just saying.
Whats next? Another war we don't need? Higher gas prices? More Americans working harder for less? And to think...it all starts with not using your turn signal. So next time I am driving, it should be easy to tell who is voting for whom this November.
By the way...has anyone come up with who I am trying to think of? I can't believe I don't remember. Oh well...you know what they say: "if you can't remember something, it's either a lie or not important".
So why is this? Do Republicans think they are above the law? Is it all about them? Should we just get out of their way and let them do what they want, no matter how dangerous it may be, or no matter how bad the outcome may be? Oh...wait a minute...all of this sounds rather familiar. Who recently did their own thing with no concern for the potential outcome? It's on the tip of my tongue. Why can't I think of it? You know...he didn't care about others and acted in a very dangerous manner. The end result was/has been disastrous? Oh well...it will come to me.
Think about it. This earth shattering research has huge implications in the up-coming election. Do we want a country full of non turn signal using citizens? Or do we want a country full of polite, courteous drivers? I'm not saying who to vote for. I'm just saying.
Whats next? Another war we don't need? Higher gas prices? More Americans working harder for less? And to think...it all starts with not using your turn signal. So next time I am driving, it should be easy to tell who is voting for whom this November.
By the way...has anyone come up with who I am trying to think of? I can't believe I don't remember. Oh well...you know what they say: "if you can't remember something, it's either a lie or not important".
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Stay Out Of My Damn Garbage!!!!!
So your driving down the street on garbage night, and you notice someone has thrown out a sofa that seems to be in decent shape. You're down on your luck at the moment, and every little bit helps. The family that set it on the curb obviously doesn't need it anymore, so you might as well take it. Of course it's not truly free. You will have to spend $4.99 on some bug spray to kill the little critters that have made the old love seat their home.
Now if I am the one who set that couch next to my garbage containing my son's crap filled diapers, and you want it...I'm cool with that. Heck, if nothing else you are saving my garbage man some heavy lifting in the morning. But there is a line in the sand that should not be crossed when turning one's trash into your treasure. I am talking to all of you "Garbage Hunters". You know who you are. You drive around in your piece of crap truck that you have modified using 2X4's to build up the sides. You don't just take the big items left by the curb...you actually go through my garbage. The last 2 weeks I have caught these trash trackers opening my garbage cans and going through my recycling bin. What the hell are you looking for? But that is not the worst part. They leave the garbage they spill all over the yard. Tonight I actually said something to Billy Bob and his wife/sister. I asked her what she was doing in my garbage and she said "Just Looking". Are you flipping serious? LOOKING FOR WHAT? I told the tobacco chewing woman to pick up the trash she spilled, and she tried to tell me it was like that when she got there. Right...because I have 6 foot racoons in my neighborhood that can open 5 foot garbage cans that are strapped shut. She then went on to tell me that the curb is public property and she was not breaking any laws. I don't know if that is true or not, so I moved my trash back 5 feet right in front of her and told her I was pretty sure that wasn't public property. She then picked up her 3 month old and left. (OK..I made that last part up).
Listen....if you want a big item that I call junk..go ahead. But stop rooting through my garbage cans like you are going to find $1000 in cash. And if you spill something during your excavation...put it back. It is bad enough you feel the need to collect things that are...well....CRAP. So do me a favor, and "STAY OUT OF MY DAMN GARBAGE!!!!!!
Now if I am the one who set that couch next to my garbage containing my son's crap filled diapers, and you want it...I'm cool with that. Heck, if nothing else you are saving my garbage man some heavy lifting in the morning. But there is a line in the sand that should not be crossed when turning one's trash into your treasure. I am talking to all of you "Garbage Hunters". You know who you are. You drive around in your piece of crap truck that you have modified using 2X4's to build up the sides. You don't just take the big items left by the curb...you actually go through my garbage. The last 2 weeks I have caught these trash trackers opening my garbage cans and going through my recycling bin. What the hell are you looking for? But that is not the worst part. They leave the garbage they spill all over the yard. Tonight I actually said something to Billy Bob and his wife/sister. I asked her what she was doing in my garbage and she said "Just Looking". Are you flipping serious? LOOKING FOR WHAT? I told the tobacco chewing woman to pick up the trash she spilled, and she tried to tell me it was like that when she got there. Right...because I have 6 foot racoons in my neighborhood that can open 5 foot garbage cans that are strapped shut. She then went on to tell me that the curb is public property and she was not breaking any laws. I don't know if that is true or not, so I moved my trash back 5 feet right in front of her and told her I was pretty sure that wasn't public property. She then picked up her 3 month old and left. (OK..I made that last part up).
Listen....if you want a big item that I call junk..go ahead. But stop rooting through my garbage cans like you are going to find $1000 in cash. And if you spill something during your excavation...put it back. It is bad enough you feel the need to collect things that are...well....CRAP. So do me a favor, and "STAY OUT OF MY DAMN GARBAGE!!!!!!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Honor Them All
For months I have been wanting to talk about a certain topic, but have refrained due to the fact that no matter how well my intentions may be, there are people out there who will brand me Un-American for speaking such blasphemy. But comimg off Memorial Day weekend, I couldn't hold it in any more. I am talking about the attention Matt Maupin, and more importantly his parents, have received over the past year. But before I go any further let me make a few things clear. For starters, Matt Maupin is a true hero. He gave his life for his country, and paid the ultimate price. For that, he should be honored. Also, his parents are to be commended for wanting to raise awareness on all casualties in Iraq, and for wanting to set up scholarships for family members of fallen soldiers. They did not have to do this, yet they chose to anyway.
But the fact that Matt Maupins parents, and the Cincinnati media decided that he was the most important fallen soldier in Iraq was just way too over the top for me. In my opinion, the funeral was handled in poor taste. Why did the Maupin parents think his funeral deserved a 40,000 seat arena with full police escort and road closings, but other Cincinnati fallen soldiers did not? How much did that funeral and procession cost the tax payers? Between all of the police, and required clean up after, I'm guessing a lot.
Matt's parents took every opportunity they could to be in the spotlight. And we all fell in love with them. It was as if we could feel their pain. After all, I can't imagine anything worse than losing a child. They were the poster child for great parents and great people. They were pure, and just wanted to make the world a better place. Then after Matt was finally put to rest, the "lesser" media started reporting on things the Maupins did that go against their poster status. There was the report that they allegedly did not collect the donated money legally. There is the news of Father Maupin being arrested in 1988 for gross sexual imposition, among other things. The arrest really has nothing to do with anything. But would people have opened there arms, and wallets as generously as they did had they known that from the get-go? If the money was not handled properly, how would you feel about your donation now? You were doing a good thing by donating. But had it been reported earlier, would they have raised as much money? Or would you have felt uncomfortable donating it? These are all situations that beg the question: :" Are the Maupins who we thought they were"? I don't know the answer to that yet. I do know that I am deeply disturbed that there are even allegations about it. Something smells fishy, and it's not last nights leftover tuna.
This brings me to my biggest complaint. The very idea of naming a section of I-275 after Matt Maupin is not only a slap in the face to all of the local families who lost loved ones in Iraq, but it is a kick in the ass to those who ACTUALLY LOST THEIR LIVES IN IRAQ.
Now for those of you who failed to actually read what I said about Matt in my opening, and think I am just a Maupin Basher, let me set you straight. The point I have been making is that many other soldiers from Cincinnati lost their lives in Iraq as well. The list is too long to post, but here are just a few: Dyer, Lance Cpl. Christopher J; Freeman, Spc. Daniel J; Haunert, Pvt. Branden P; Kreuter, Cpl. David Kenneth J; Miller, Pfc. James H; Pummill, Staff Sgt. Richard T; Rogers, Sgt. 1st Class Gregory S; Roos, Cpl. Timothy D; Swisher, Capt. Tyler B; Weber, Cpl. Robert F.
Has anyone that was not close to those for-mentioned, ever heard of them? Why not? Why did we experience Maupin mania, yet never heard more than a 30 second snippet on the news about the others? So here is my advice. If the City wants to rename a section of I-275, come up with a name that honors ALL of the local fallen hero's. I have to believe that even Matt would want it that way. But I have yet to hear his parents suggest honoring the others by name. Do they really need their name on a stretch of blacktop that bad? Do the right thing Mr. and Mrs. Maupin. Respect the other soldiers and their families as well. Realize that you are not the only parents in Cincinnati suffering loss.
So to those of you that have branded me a terrorist for saying such things, that is your right as an American. But I served in the Military. I was in the 1st Gulf War. And had I perished during that time, and saw my parents and the Cincinnati Media behaving that way, I would have been embarrassed. Death of a loved one affects that family and is personal. But when it comes to home grown soldier's who made the ultimate sacrifice, everyone is a hero, and they should ALL be remembered...not just one of them.
But the fact that Matt Maupins parents, and the Cincinnati media decided that he was the most important fallen soldier in Iraq was just way too over the top for me. In my opinion, the funeral was handled in poor taste. Why did the Maupin parents think his funeral deserved a 40,000 seat arena with full police escort and road closings, but other Cincinnati fallen soldiers did not? How much did that funeral and procession cost the tax payers? Between all of the police, and required clean up after, I'm guessing a lot.
Matt's parents took every opportunity they could to be in the spotlight. And we all fell in love with them. It was as if we could feel their pain. After all, I can't imagine anything worse than losing a child. They were the poster child for great parents and great people. They were pure, and just wanted to make the world a better place. Then after Matt was finally put to rest, the "lesser" media started reporting on things the Maupins did that go against their poster status. There was the report that they allegedly did not collect the donated money legally. There is the news of Father Maupin being arrested in 1988 for gross sexual imposition, among other things. The arrest really has nothing to do with anything. But would people have opened there arms, and wallets as generously as they did had they known that from the get-go? If the money was not handled properly, how would you feel about your donation now? You were doing a good thing by donating. But had it been reported earlier, would they have raised as much money? Or would you have felt uncomfortable donating it? These are all situations that beg the question: :" Are the Maupins who we thought they were"? I don't know the answer to that yet. I do know that I am deeply disturbed that there are even allegations about it. Something smells fishy, and it's not last nights leftover tuna.
This brings me to my biggest complaint. The very idea of naming a section of I-275 after Matt Maupin is not only a slap in the face to all of the local families who lost loved ones in Iraq, but it is a kick in the ass to those who ACTUALLY LOST THEIR LIVES IN IRAQ.
Now for those of you who failed to actually read what I said about Matt in my opening, and think I am just a Maupin Basher, let me set you straight. The point I have been making is that many other soldiers from Cincinnati lost their lives in Iraq as well. The list is too long to post, but here are just a few: Dyer, Lance Cpl. Christopher J; Freeman, Spc. Daniel J; Haunert, Pvt. Branden P; Kreuter, Cpl. David Kenneth J; Miller, Pfc. James H; Pummill, Staff Sgt. Richard T; Rogers, Sgt. 1st Class Gregory S; Roos, Cpl. Timothy D; Swisher, Capt. Tyler B; Weber, Cpl. Robert F.
Has anyone that was not close to those for-mentioned, ever heard of them? Why not? Why did we experience Maupin mania, yet never heard more than a 30 second snippet on the news about the others? So here is my advice. If the City wants to rename a section of I-275, come up with a name that honors ALL of the local fallen hero's. I have to believe that even Matt would want it that way. But I have yet to hear his parents suggest honoring the others by name. Do they really need their name on a stretch of blacktop that bad? Do the right thing Mr. and Mrs. Maupin. Respect the other soldiers and their families as well. Realize that you are not the only parents in Cincinnati suffering loss.
So to those of you that have branded me a terrorist for saying such things, that is your right as an American. But I served in the Military. I was in the 1st Gulf War. And had I perished during that time, and saw my parents and the Cincinnati Media behaving that way, I would have been embarrassed. Death of a loved one affects that family and is personal. But when it comes to home grown soldier's who made the ultimate sacrifice, everyone is a hero, and they should ALL be remembered...not just one of them.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Letter of Interest
On March 10, 2008, I wrote an article entitled "Idiot of the Week". This article was about a letter that a young man wrote to the local paper saying that a 19 time DUI offender should have just got probation instead of jail time. He also made some comments that gave me the idea for my title. Please read the post, if you have not already, before reading on.
The other day, I received an e-mail from a young man telling me he was the guy who wrote the letter, and to whom I refered an idiot. Now before I go any further with this, I would like to point out a few things. First....I stand by every comment that I made in my article, and nothing about the way I feel has changed. Also...when I am writing articles like "Idiot of the Week", it is more of a generalization, than a singleing out process. My point is that the way of thinking is idiotic, not neccesarily the person. After all, I have never met them, and like my Blog states, this is just my opinion. With that said, I would like to discuss the e-mail sent to me by young Jude. I say young because it turns out he is only 16 years old. He told me that he found my blog online and proceeded to read it. When he got the the article I am refering to, he realized it was about his letter. He then e-mailed me explaining his reason for writing that letter to the paper. So what I would like to do is post his letter for all to read. This will allow him to give his side of the story, and it will allow all of you to form your own opinions on the issue. I still hold him responsible for writing the letter. He seems like a very intelligent young man, and had to know the possible ramifications of his actions. But I also am willing to cut him some slack based on his explanation.
This is his letter to me:
From: Jude Camberos,
I am sorry, but this is the best way i found to contact you. Please respond.
I am Jude Camberos, 16, sophomore at Reading High School, and winner of your
March 10 issue of Idiot of the Week Award. I think your blog is very
interesting, but I would really like to clear things up.
This week has been hideously hard on me. I'm at home keeping my school work up
because my parents are in Disney World (w/o me), my best friend moved out of
town, I’m have class elections and Acc. class exam studies to deal with, and
also my stepmother (Charity Unger) has shot four people; leaving me worried
about the current status of my father's being, which is leaving me emotionally
I was checking my 07/08 winter wrestling results on Google when I saw a link to
your blog. Seeing the "Idiot of the Week" award being given to me seriously
disturbed me. I understand why I was given the award; the point I shown in the
Enquirer was ridiculous. Saying a man putting that much danger on the road
should not be prosecuted as he was is feeble.
So here is my story.
In our English class we were given a simple assignment "Write a Newspaper
Editorial". Our teacher said she would send in the articles to the newspaper we
chose. So, give or take about five days later we received our due date, this was
February 22nd, the day before my birthday. I was so hyped up about my birthday
that I forgot this assignment, (to me English 10 is ridiculously easy, and
there’s no Accelerated English in our grade) so I wrote it at lunch, one bell
before. I wrote the article very shoddy. In fact, I was joking with a friend
that I would choose a ridiculous point and prove the converse point.
Ten minutes later the bell rang, and my paper was done. We wrote the final
within a couple days and as promised the teacher sent in our papers to the major
publishers we could choose from. This is were my decision backfired.
I found about one week later that my article was published...an article that
took five minutes to wrote, about a joke subject, with my converse view of the
given subject. Many of my teachers confronted me of my views and I told them
exactly the story I am authenticating now. Also, I had a discussion with my
parents about the article. Again, I had to prove my story.
Soon, your editorial was published in the newspaper about my own editorial.
Again, a teacher confronted me about this (Not even my English teacher in any
confrontation, but I did receive extra credit for being published.)This also
affected me, but I put it all of this behind me.
So now, a full three months later this decision I made, by writing an editorial
in five minutes, showed my exact opposite viewpoint, and one I did not think
would be published comes to haunt me. This time the hardest in the most worst of
Your blog obviously criticized me, as if you were trying to cyber-bully me. I do
understand all you were given was my name, along with no other information to
correspond with and I respect that.
You had your word now I would like to have mine. First off, you’re welcome for
your alleviation of "writer's block" in which I assisted you. I'm glad I could
help you write a blog easier. Kind of funny how you posted "we can dissect it
like a 10th grader dissects a frog in Biology class....quick and brutal", this
is my situation. A sophomore wanting to major in biology, taking seven sciences
in four years of high school (accelerated), and perhaps going to Medical School.
Maybe, I will get to dissect a little bit more than frogs :).
I do understand it was his 19th DUI conviction. Most likely he could have had a
hundred potential DUI's.
Community service for DUI's? I do understand this method wouldn't work. In fact,
community service if gratifying to me. Before wrestling, I participated in
community service AT LEAST once a week.
You also asked me if I ever had a DUI conviction. No. I do not possess a license
Now for what I wrote, what you put in bold lettering "Unless the man has injured
or killed others, this is not necessary. This man obviously knew what he could
do without endangering others." Pretty good for a five minute closer heh? I
thought genius on my part.
You quoted a part of my editorial, put an image stating "You're an inspiration
to idiot's everywhere," and then continued to criticize me by posting "That has
got to be the most idiotic, asinine, half-witted, moronic, unintelligent thing I
have ever heard." Finally, you asked if I knew people wouldn't be reading my
editorial. THAT WAS THE POINT! I had no idea. In fact, this was an easy grade.
We were supposed to just write an editorial, not mean what we had written.
At the end, you stated that we must act now before this man kills someone. This
is exactly what the editorial I have composed should have stated. I agree with
you very so on this point of view.
I hope that now this moronic decision I made to write a joke editorial, one I
thought had no chance of being in a nationally known public newspaper will once
and for all be fixed.
Perhaps you will post this in your popular blog? If done I will certainly be at
peace with this article, and decision.
Thank you.
So now you have his side of the story. Please feel free to express your thoughts on the issue. I am sure he would like to hear what others have to say.
The other day, I received an e-mail from a young man telling me he was the guy who wrote the letter, and to whom I refered an idiot. Now before I go any further with this, I would like to point out a few things. First....I stand by every comment that I made in my article, and nothing about the way I feel has changed. Also...when I am writing articles like "Idiot of the Week", it is more of a generalization, than a singleing out process. My point is that the way of thinking is idiotic, not neccesarily the person. After all, I have never met them, and like my Blog states, this is just my opinion. With that said, I would like to discuss the e-mail sent to me by young Jude. I say young because it turns out he is only 16 years old. He told me that he found my blog online and proceeded to read it. When he got the the article I am refering to, he realized it was about his letter. He then e-mailed me explaining his reason for writing that letter to the paper. So what I would like to do is post his letter for all to read. This will allow him to give his side of the story, and it will allow all of you to form your own opinions on the issue. I still hold him responsible for writing the letter. He seems like a very intelligent young man, and had to know the possible ramifications of his actions. But I also am willing to cut him some slack based on his explanation.
This is his letter to me:
From: Jude Camberos,
I am sorry, but this is the best way i found to contact you. Please respond.
I am Jude Camberos, 16, sophomore at Reading High School, and winner of your
March 10 issue of Idiot of the Week Award. I think your blog is very
interesting, but I would really like to clear things up.
This week has been hideously hard on me. I'm at home keeping my school work up
because my parents are in Disney World (w/o me), my best friend moved out of
town, I’m have class elections and Acc. class exam studies to deal with, and
also my stepmother (Charity Unger) has shot four people; leaving me worried
about the current status of my father's being, which is leaving me emotionally
I was checking my 07/08 winter wrestling results on Google when I saw a link to
your blog. Seeing the "Idiot of the Week" award being given to me seriously
disturbed me. I understand why I was given the award; the point I shown in the
Enquirer was ridiculous. Saying a man putting that much danger on the road
should not be prosecuted as he was is feeble.
So here is my story.
In our English class we were given a simple assignment "Write a Newspaper
Editorial". Our teacher said she would send in the articles to the newspaper we
chose. So, give or take about five days later we received our due date, this was
February 22nd, the day before my birthday. I was so hyped up about my birthday
that I forgot this assignment, (to me English 10 is ridiculously easy, and
there’s no Accelerated English in our grade) so I wrote it at lunch, one bell
before. I wrote the article very shoddy. In fact, I was joking with a friend
that I would choose a ridiculous point and prove the converse point.
Ten minutes later the bell rang, and my paper was done. We wrote the final
within a couple days and as promised the teacher sent in our papers to the major
publishers we could choose from. This is were my decision backfired.
I found about one week later that my article was published...an article that
took five minutes to wrote, about a joke subject, with my converse view of the
given subject. Many of my teachers confronted me of my views and I told them
exactly the story I am authenticating now. Also, I had a discussion with my
parents about the article. Again, I had to prove my story.
Soon, your editorial was published in the newspaper about my own editorial.
Again, a teacher confronted me about this (Not even my English teacher in any
confrontation, but I did receive extra credit for being published.)This also
affected me, but I put it all of this behind me.
So now, a full three months later this decision I made, by writing an editorial
in five minutes, showed my exact opposite viewpoint, and one I did not think
would be published comes to haunt me. This time the hardest in the most worst of
Your blog obviously criticized me, as if you were trying to cyber-bully me. I do
understand all you were given was my name, along with no other information to
correspond with and I respect that.
You had your word now I would like to have mine. First off, you’re welcome for
your alleviation of "writer's block" in which I assisted you. I'm glad I could
help you write a blog easier. Kind of funny how you posted "we can dissect it
like a 10th grader dissects a frog in Biology class....quick and brutal", this
is my situation. A sophomore wanting to major in biology, taking seven sciences
in four years of high school (accelerated), and perhaps going to Medical School.
Maybe, I will get to dissect a little bit more than frogs :).
I do understand it was his 19th DUI conviction. Most likely he could have had a
hundred potential DUI's.
Community service for DUI's? I do understand this method wouldn't work. In fact,
community service if gratifying to me. Before wrestling, I participated in
community service AT LEAST once a week.
You also asked me if I ever had a DUI conviction. No. I do not possess a license
Now for what I wrote, what you put in bold lettering "Unless the man has injured
or killed others, this is not necessary. This man obviously knew what he could
do without endangering others." Pretty good for a five minute closer heh? I
thought genius on my part.
You quoted a part of my editorial, put an image stating "You're an inspiration
to idiot's everywhere," and then continued to criticize me by posting "That has
got to be the most idiotic, asinine, half-witted, moronic, unintelligent thing I
have ever heard." Finally, you asked if I knew people wouldn't be reading my
editorial. THAT WAS THE POINT! I had no idea. In fact, this was an easy grade.
We were supposed to just write an editorial, not mean what we had written.
At the end, you stated that we must act now before this man kills someone. This
is exactly what the editorial I have composed should have stated. I agree with
you very so on this point of view.
I hope that now this moronic decision I made to write a joke editorial, one I
thought had no chance of being in a nationally known public newspaper will once
and for all be fixed.
Perhaps you will post this in your popular blog? If done I will certainly be at
peace with this article, and decision.
Thank you.
So now you have his side of the story. Please feel free to express your thoughts on the issue. I am sure he would like to hear what others have to say.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Is My Cat Retarded?

Remember how Phoebe from "Friends" had the hit single, "Smelly Cat"? Well, I am going to write a follow up song to that called "Retarded Cat". Kind of a catchy tune, don't you think?
So the question at hand is if my cat is retarded or not. Why would I wonder such a thing? Oh...I don't know....maybe because she acts RETARDED!!!!! Take everything you know about cats, and throw it out the window, because that aint my kitty. Let's start with the fact that she thinks she is a dog. She loves to play fetch. She will sit there, wait for you to throw it, go get it, bring it back and drop it your hand. Actually it's kind of cool playing fetch with her. Then there is the bathtub. Water does not phase her. Not only has she gotten into the tub while the kids are bathing, she also likes to drink out of the toilet. So next time you are over and she wants to give you kisses, you have been warned. She also likes to drink from the sink while the water is running. OK..so these traits don't make her a re-re, just confused I guess.

What classifies someone, or something as retarded? I know some people might be saying that it is not nice to make fun of retarded people. And to that I have 2 things to say back to you: 1) I am not making fun of a person. And B)Have you not figured out you are reading the wrong blog yet if you think I care. (I care) (not really). So back to classifying someone as retarded. Websters Dictionary defines it as: "slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development or academic progress". Now seeing as how my cat already finished kitty school, and does not show much emotion, we can concentrate on the "limited in intellectual" part. By the way, aren't cats supposed to be smart? Or is that just dogs? Anyway, I digress.
For starters, she tends to walk into walls allot. Could be a vision thing I guess. I mean seriously, how do you not see a dog chasing your ass...twice? So much for having cat like reflexes. Then there was the time she got out of the house and was missing for 2 days. It was upsetting while she was gone. But here is the kicker. When I found her, SHE WAS 4 HOUSES AWAY!!!. Are you kidding me? Cats have traveled cross country to find their families, but my short-yellow-school-bus-riding cat can't find her way back from 100 yards away? I guess it's time to change the batteries in her GPS....or not let her out of the house anymore. But that would be too easy. So we now know that she has bad reflexes and vision, and is terrible with directions. One would think she would have stopped and asked for directions since she is a female.
We all know cats love to play. If you wag something in front of them, they will chase it and catch it. But how long does it take a cat to figure out they can't catch something? We have this laser light that puts a small red dot on whatever you aim it at. She LOVES to chase that, and I must admit, it does provide hours of mind boggling entertainment. And obviously, she never catches it. But that doesn't stop her. Even when she is right on top of it, she can't seem to process the fact that she will never get it. And if you put it up on the wall, she will jump at it until you move it. Ohh..that's good stuff.

So maybe she is not related to my 3 legged retarded friend from Kentucky. Maybe she just likes to play. No...she's retarded.
I am a little jealous of her though. She gets to have kitty weed...or catnip....without any worries of getting busted. Now take all of the behaviors described above, and add catnip to the equation. What you get is entertainment you can't pay for. It is better than watching a midget wrestle a monkey in an inflatable pool filled with chocolate syrup....and we all know I like chocolate. When she gets into the nip...all bets are off. She is like a crazed Hyena that just heard a good joke. She is going a mile a minute, bouncing off the walls, running into things.....God the SCPA would have a field day with me.
So there you have it. My cat is "special". But then again, so am I, so I guess that is why I find all of this so entertaining. And it is also why I thought anyone would care to hear about my cat. It sounded much better in my head...as do most things.
Good Day
Saturday, May 3, 2008
I no longer blame the oil companies for treating us like the red headed step-child that gets beat behind the wood shed. It is simple supply and demand. There is nothing we can do about it short of not driving, and that is about as realistic as a one legged man winning an ass kicking competition. Does it suck? Of course it does. But we don't need to encourage the gas giants to charge us $4 for a gallon of their precious product. And that is exactly what is happening.
For starters, is Cincinnati so boring that the most interesting lead story on the news EVERY night is the rising price of gas? And do the news stations not see what they are doing? Don't they understand that by reporting on a daily basis that gas is going to hit $4 a gallon, they are making it easier for the oil companies to do so? The way I see it, the oil company big wigs are sitting back and laughing at us. They figure that since we are constantly reminded that gas is going to cost more than a 12 pack of Milwaukee's Best, it won't be a shock when they actually do it. And since it won't be a shock, why not do it sooner rather than later? I don't need my news cast to start off with a live feed from the local BP station to realize that gas prices are going up. I may not be the smartest bead on the rosary, but I am a bead. Maybe if we stopped announcing to Exxon that we are ready for their $4 gas, they would hold off on raising it to that. Maybe they won't. Does this make sense? Basicly what I am saying is that by telling us every day that gas is going to be worth more than my entire share of Texas Instruments stock, they are helping the oil companies take away the sting from when they go ahead and do it.
I am just amazed by the media's obsession with it. It is getting worse than when we are expecting 2 inches of snow, and they report live from Kroger to kick off the broadcast. I am certain that something happened in the city that day that is far more interesting than something I already know. While their at it, why don't they just go ahead and tell me the sun is going to rise tomorrow? Stupid media (sorry Tara) :)
For starters, is Cincinnati so boring that the most interesting lead story on the news EVERY night is the rising price of gas? And do the news stations not see what they are doing? Don't they understand that by reporting on a daily basis that gas is going to hit $4 a gallon, they are making it easier for the oil companies to do so? The way I see it, the oil company big wigs are sitting back and laughing at us. They figure that since we are constantly reminded that gas is going to cost more than a 12 pack of Milwaukee's Best, it won't be a shock when they actually do it. And since it won't be a shock, why not do it sooner rather than later? I don't need my news cast to start off with a live feed from the local BP station to realize that gas prices are going up. I may not be the smartest bead on the rosary, but I am a bead. Maybe if we stopped announcing to Exxon that we are ready for their $4 gas, they would hold off on raising it to that. Maybe they won't. Does this make sense? Basicly what I am saying is that by telling us every day that gas is going to be worth more than my entire share of Texas Instruments stock, they are helping the oil companies take away the sting from when they go ahead and do it.
I am just amazed by the media's obsession with it. It is getting worse than when we are expecting 2 inches of snow, and they report live from Kroger to kick off the broadcast. I am certain that something happened in the city that day that is far more interesting than something I already know. While their at it, why don't they just go ahead and tell me the sun is going to rise tomorrow? Stupid media (sorry Tara) :)
Monday, April 28, 2008
Good Answer, Good Answer!!!!!!!!
"We surveyed 100 people, top 6 answers are on the board. Name a food that people might call someone" DING DING DING "Turkey" ("good answer, good answer"). "Show me Turkey". Ding. "Number 2 answer. OK John, you can still get one answer higher. Name a food that people might call someone". "Snake" ("good answer, good answer")........
OK, I am just going to stop there. Because even a 3 legged retarded kid from Kentucky can tell you that "snake" is not going to be up there, so no need for me to play it out. If you have not figured it out yet, either you are the 3 legged retarded kid from Kentucky, or you never watch TV.....EVER! I am talking about Family Feud. I was watching the ever-so-delightful game show last night, and as you can imagine, I have a problem with the show that takes an IQ of negative 7 to play. Here in lies my "problem" with Family Feud:

For starters, where do they get these people? Deep in the woods of Alabama? If that were true, I could see where referring to snake as a food would seem logical. But seriously, how hard is it to get the first couple of obvious answers? Once you get down to the remaining answer, I will back off a little and agree it may not be as easy to get it. But when someone asks you to name a food that people might call someone, before you even hit that buzzer, Turkey, Pig, Cheese-ball, Chicken, and Hot Dog should already be in your head. That covers 5 of the 6 answers right there. But no. Mr. Genius comes up with Snake. Had the question been "name an animal that people might call someone", this guy would be declared winner-winner-chicken-dinner.
So maybe he was just nervous. Maybe he misunderstood the question for name an animal instead of name a food. Lets go ahead and cut him some slack, and see how he recovers in the next round. "We surveyed 100 people, top 5 answers are on the board. Name a food you could still eat if you didn't have any teeth". Ok. Let's stop there for a second. Did everyone come up with either mashed potato's, ice cream, soup, jello, or pudding? That would be all 5 answers right there. Pat yourself on the back. Even our 3 legged retarded friend from Kentucky is attempting to clap in excitement, seeing as how he got at least 2 right. The first 2 people in line go with soup and jello. Great start. Then we get to snake boy. Without missing a beat, he says "slim fast". Even I can't make this s#*t up people. Slim fast....really? That is the best you could come up with? Really? WOW!!!!
Now we have covered the first part of what gets my golden la-may thong in a bunch. That would be stupid people. I have always said there is no such thing as a stupid question...just stupid people. I'm sorry. Stupid isn't very nice. Let's go with "smart-challenged". Is that better? Now the second part to my getting all bent out of shape over a silly game show is the families. When that guy said "snake", the other 4 members of his family are clapping and yelling "good answer, good answer". NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!! Not good answer. Terrible answer. Lets say my beautiful family is on that show. And lets say the question is...ohhh...."name a sport that is played on grass" It is my sisters turn (I won't use names, but it begins with a T)...and she yells out "Hockey"...all proud as if she was just healed of Polio by a TV Evangelist....you can bet all 3 legs on our kid from Kentucky that my ass is not going to clap and say good answer. I am going to look at her like a tourist looks at a Chinese McDonald's menu (confused and bewildered for those of you falling behind), and most likely slap her if I am close enough. Are you f@#*ing kidding me? Is your name really Corky?
I love you sis, but way to not be smarter than a 5th grader on national television. At this point, I am telling the crowd that I am a product of the milkman, and covering my face as I exit the stage. I can't wait to see what you come up with next. If the question is "name a word that begins with the letter A", what is your flash of brilliance going to be this time? "Uhhhh...PIZZA!!! Yeah...I did it". Yo sis...you have some applesauce dripping from the corner of your mouth. I don't know....maybe you have to say good answer. Maybe it is in the contract.
So there you have it people. Now if you will excuse me, I am off to watch Jepordy with my pal from Kentucky. Maybe I can beat him.
OK, I am just going to stop there. Because even a 3 legged retarded kid from Kentucky can tell you that "snake" is not going to be up there, so no need for me to play it out. If you have not figured it out yet, either you are the 3 legged retarded kid from Kentucky, or you never watch TV.....EVER! I am talking about Family Feud. I was watching the ever-so-delightful game show last night, and as you can imagine, I have a problem with the show that takes an IQ of negative 7 to play. Here in lies my "problem" with Family Feud:

For starters, where do they get these people? Deep in the woods of Alabama? If that were true, I could see where referring to snake as a food would seem logical. But seriously, how hard is it to get the first couple of obvious answers? Once you get down to the remaining answer, I will back off a little and agree it may not be as easy to get it. But when someone asks you to name a food that people might call someone, before you even hit that buzzer, Turkey, Pig, Cheese-ball, Chicken, and Hot Dog should already be in your head. That covers 5 of the 6 answers right there. But no. Mr. Genius comes up with Snake. Had the question been "name an animal that people might call someone", this guy would be declared winner-winner-chicken-dinner.
So maybe he was just nervous. Maybe he misunderstood the question for name an animal instead of name a food. Lets go ahead and cut him some slack, and see how he recovers in the next round. "We surveyed 100 people, top 5 answers are on the board. Name a food you could still eat if you didn't have any teeth". Ok. Let's stop there for a second. Did everyone come up with either mashed potato's, ice cream, soup, jello, or pudding? That would be all 5 answers right there. Pat yourself on the back. Even our 3 legged retarded friend from Kentucky is attempting to clap in excitement, seeing as how he got at least 2 right. The first 2 people in line go with soup and jello. Great start. Then we get to snake boy. Without missing a beat, he says "slim fast". Even I can't make this s#*t up people. Slim fast....really? That is the best you could come up with? Really? WOW!!!!
Now we have covered the first part of what gets my golden la-may thong in a bunch. That would be stupid people. I have always said there is no such thing as a stupid question...just stupid people. I'm sorry. Stupid isn't very nice. Let's go with "smart-challenged". Is that better? Now the second part to my getting all bent out of shape over a silly game show is the families. When that guy said "snake", the other 4 members of his family are clapping and yelling "good answer, good answer". NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!! Not good answer. Terrible answer. Lets say my beautiful family is on that show. And lets say the question is...ohhh...."name a sport that is played on grass" It is my sisters turn (I won't use names, but it begins with a T)...and she yells out "Hockey"...all proud as if she was just healed of Polio by a TV Evangelist....you can bet all 3 legs on our kid from Kentucky that my ass is not going to clap and say good answer. I am going to look at her like a tourist looks at a Chinese McDonald's menu (confused and bewildered for those of you falling behind), and most likely slap her if I am close enough. Are you f@#*ing kidding me? Is your name really Corky?

So there you have it people. Now if you will excuse me, I am off to watch Jepordy with my pal from Kentucky. Maybe I can beat him.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
R.I.P. Kublai Khan Paw Paw Chow Chow Chow
Today is a sad day. After reading about the tragic event that took place this morning, I had decided to spend the day in mourning out of respect. But then I realized I could show respect ten fold by celebrating a life as opposed to drying my tears. So I shall do my best to keep my composure and be strong.
This morning was like any other morning. I woke up, took a shower, got dressed, and went downstairs. After grabbing a diet coke, I sat down at the computer and checked today's news. I would have read the paper, but either my paper guy hates me or my neighbor is a thief...because I didn't have one. So I go to a news site and begin to read about the events that took place the previous day and while we slept. Lot's of interesting stories. Sounds like last nights democratic debate was a good one. Scientists discovered a rare creature in Vietnam. There was more death and destruction in Iraq. Apparently the reason the new Pope wears ruby red shoes is to make a statement of his desire to demonstrate continuity with the symbols and history of the church. And a baseball player has been lying about his age. Those are just some of today's headlines. I won't bore you by going over all the big stories. Trust me....the economy still sucks, Britney is still a psycho, and gas is at $42 a gallon. But all of these stories were secondary to the one that headlined the website. I'm talking about the story that has me all discombobulated on the inside.
So here it is...no more beating around the bush. The easiest way to get through this is to just come out and say it. Martha Stewart's dog died! (pause for moment of silence).
That's correct. That was today's top story. His name was Kublai Khan Paw Paw Chow Chow Chow, and he was 13 years old....or 91 in dog years. Apparently he died of acute renal failure....or ARF. ARF is a rapidly progressive loss of renal function, or decreased urine production. Martha's people say she is holding up fine. She spent the day with Sharkey and Francesca, her 2 other dogs. They looked at old photo albums and played fetch for most of the day. Funeral services will be held at the Church of Saint Peter and WHO GIVES A CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you flipping kidding me? This was today's "Big news"? Her Dad didn't die. her Mom didn't die. Her f#*%ing dog died. And what the hell kind of name is Kublai Khan Paw Paw Chow Chow Chow? Cheese and rice...pick a name, will ya? Whoever the reporter is that thought we the public just HAD to know about this should be hunted down and tarred and feathered. Martha Stewart going to jail = news. Martha's mutt kicking the bucket = Martha's dog kicked the bucket. I get that pets are like family to some people, and sadness is sure to ensue. But is it newsworthy? I can see it now. The Pope will be giving his speech in D.C. and it will go something like this: "God bless our troops overseas and that all countries involved can find peace. God bless all of the sick and dying children of the world. God bless the homeless and weak. And....oh yeah...I almost forgot...God bless Maratha's dog". I am more interested in trying to have a conversation with a piece of cheese than I am in ole Martha's canine. It's not like she's Oprah. That would have been acceptable had it been her dog.
So that's all.
Oh yeah. I was thinking the other day and I wondered: If a guy is alone in the woods, and he says something.....is he still wrong? Someone get back to me on that will ya?
This morning was like any other morning. I woke up, took a shower, got dressed, and went downstairs. After grabbing a diet coke, I sat down at the computer and checked today's news. I would have read the paper, but either my paper guy hates me or my neighbor is a thief...because I didn't have one. So I go to a news site and begin to read about the events that took place the previous day and while we slept. Lot's of interesting stories. Sounds like last nights democratic debate was a good one. Scientists discovered a rare creature in Vietnam. There was more death and destruction in Iraq. Apparently the reason the new Pope wears ruby red shoes is to make a statement of his desire to demonstrate continuity with the symbols and history of the church. And a baseball player has been lying about his age. Those are just some of today's headlines. I won't bore you by going over all the big stories. Trust me....the economy still sucks, Britney is still a psycho, and gas is at $42 a gallon. But all of these stories were secondary to the one that headlined the website. I'm talking about the story that has me all discombobulated on the inside.
So here it is...no more beating around the bush. The easiest way to get through this is to just come out and say it. Martha Stewart's dog died! (pause for moment of silence).
That's correct. That was today's top story. His name was Kublai Khan Paw Paw Chow Chow Chow, and he was 13 years old....or 91 in dog years. Apparently he died of acute renal failure....or ARF. ARF is a rapidly progressive loss of renal function, or decreased urine production. Martha's people say she is holding up fine. She spent the day with Sharkey and Francesca, her 2 other dogs. They looked at old photo albums and played fetch for most of the day. Funeral services will be held at the Church of Saint Peter and WHO GIVES A CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you flipping kidding me? This was today's "Big news"? Her Dad didn't die. her Mom didn't die. Her f#*%ing dog died. And what the hell kind of name is Kublai Khan Paw Paw Chow Chow Chow? Cheese and rice...pick a name, will ya? Whoever the reporter is that thought we the public just HAD to know about this should be hunted down and tarred and feathered. Martha Stewart going to jail = news. Martha's mutt kicking the bucket = Martha's dog kicked the bucket. I get that pets are like family to some people, and sadness is sure to ensue. But is it newsworthy? I can see it now. The Pope will be giving his speech in D.C. and it will go something like this: "God bless our troops overseas and that all countries involved can find peace. God bless all of the sick and dying children of the world. God bless the homeless and weak. And....oh yeah...I almost forgot...God bless Maratha's dog". I am more interested in trying to have a conversation with a piece of cheese than I am in ole Martha's canine. It's not like she's Oprah. That would have been acceptable had it been her dog.
So that's all.
Oh yeah. I was thinking the other day and I wondered: If a guy is alone in the woods, and he says something.....is he still wrong? Someone get back to me on that will ya?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Looking Forward to Your Economic Stimulus Check? Too Bad it is Already spent.
When the Bush Administration announced earlier this year that they would be sending out economic stimulus checks to help revive the economy, it sounded like a good idea. What better way to pump some money back into the economy by giving us money to spend. Different people have different plans on what to do with it. Some will save it, some will pay off bills, some will go on vacation, and others will just go shopping. At least that is what they thought. Of all the businesses in the world, who are the last people that need an economic lift? If you said the big oil companies, you win the grand prize. They all reported record earnings this year, while airlines, hotels, restaurants, and retail stores reported dips in revenue. So by sending out checks to 130 million people would seem like a good start to putting money back into those companies. But instead of boosting local economies, we will in fact be boosting the oil companies already record profits. Isn't that lining the wrong pockets? let me explain:
The average person will be getting $600. Couples will get $1200 with an additional $300 per kid, up to 3 kids (I think it is up to 3...maybe it is 4). So for example purposes, I will use my family.
Based on the numbers above, my wife and I would get $2100 for us and our 3 kids. We own 2 cars. One of them costs on average about $60 a week to fill up the gas tank. The other car does not drive very far and only costs about $70 a month in gas. So between the 2 cars, that would be $310 a month spent on gas. Times that by 12 months and you get a total of $3720 a year for gas. That is $1620 more than what we are getting in our rebate. Plus, these numbers are low in comparison to the rest of the country. Most families own 2 cars, and probably pay more than the $310 we spend. Now I know what you are thinking. That we would be paying that even without the refund checks, so in reality, we are actually still saving money by getting the gift from the government. But my numbers are based on what we pay currently...with a total conducive to those numbers remaining current for the rest of the year. The problem is, gas prices are going to rise...and rise a lot throughout the year. So my point is that the Government is "giving" us this money, and we will be turning around and giving it to big oil companies, who as mentioned earlier...are the last people that need it. Did all of that make sense or did I just give everyone a big headache :)
But I would like to take this a step further. I did some research, and found out some things you may find interesting. Let me start with a couple of quotes. The first is from Energy Secretary Sam Bodman, and appeared in the Bloomberg news on March 5, 2008. He said the following:
"They see speculation in the market, I see decline in global inventories. I don't think this is a big surprise, that we've had a jump in price when there has been a decrease in crude inventories"
The second quote is from President Bush, and appeared in the Associate Press on that same day:
"It should be obvious to you all that the [gasoline] demand is outstripping supply, which causes prices to go up"
So why do I mention those quotes, and what do they have to do with my topic? I'm glad you asked. According to a recent article in Business week, there is no gas shortage. Gasoline reserves on hand are at the highest levels since the early 1990's, which is remarkable considering the nations refineries have been cutting back on the production of gasoline because their margins have declined. In fact, average gasoline reserves on hand have risen since this past October, while oil reserves in this country have gone up every week this year. So Energy Secretary Bodman's comments are at the very least "less than truthful".
President Bush goes on to tell us that demand is higher than supply, so of course prices are going to go up. The truth of the matter is that demand is DOWN, yet prices are still UP. Just so we can all get on the same page, here are the verifiable facts on oil supplies, production, and gasoline demand, according to the same Business Week article: In January of this year, the U.S. used 4% less petroleum than we did a year ago. [Oil demand was down 3.2% in February.] Furthermore, demand has been falling slowly since July of last year. Ronald Bailey of Reason Online has pointed out that worldwide production of oil has risen 2.5% in the first quarter, while worldwide demand has grown by only 2%. Production is expected to increase by 3.3% in the second quarter, and by as much as 4.1% by the third quarter. The net result is that the U.S. daily buffer for oil production against demand, which was a paltry 1.5 million barrels as recently as 2005, is now up to 3 million barrels in excess capacity today.
So what is going on here? Why would our Energy Secretary say there's a supply and demand problem when none exists? Why would he say that speculators have little or nothing to do with the incredibly high price of oil and gasoline, when it's clear they do? President Bush -- a former oilman -- gives the ever-growing demand for gasoline as the primary reason prices are so high, yet that notion can be dispelled with one minute of research. That's the problem with rhetoric; it rarely matches the facts. Again....at the very least, President Bush made a comment that seems to be "less than truthful". But is anyone really surprised by that?
So what have learned today? We have learned that there is no gas shortage, and fuel demand is actually down. Yet gas prices continue to rise at a disgusting rate, which in turn is going to cause us to use our stimulus checks on filling up our cars. So if you were looking forward to that new plasma TV, or a trip to the Bahama's, think again. Your check is already spent.
The average person will be getting $600. Couples will get $1200 with an additional $300 per kid, up to 3 kids (I think it is up to 3...maybe it is 4). So for example purposes, I will use my family.
Based on the numbers above, my wife and I would get $2100 for us and our 3 kids. We own 2 cars. One of them costs on average about $60 a week to fill up the gas tank. The other car does not drive very far and only costs about $70 a month in gas. So between the 2 cars, that would be $310 a month spent on gas. Times that by 12 months and you get a total of $3720 a year for gas. That is $1620 more than what we are getting in our rebate. Plus, these numbers are low in comparison to the rest of the country. Most families own 2 cars, and probably pay more than the $310 we spend. Now I know what you are thinking. That we would be paying that even without the refund checks, so in reality, we are actually still saving money by getting the gift from the government. But my numbers are based on what we pay currently...with a total conducive to those numbers remaining current for the rest of the year. The problem is, gas prices are going to rise...and rise a lot throughout the year. So my point is that the Government is "giving" us this money, and we will be turning around and giving it to big oil companies, who as mentioned earlier...are the last people that need it. Did all of that make sense or did I just give everyone a big headache :)
But I would like to take this a step further. I did some research, and found out some things you may find interesting. Let me start with a couple of quotes. The first is from Energy Secretary Sam Bodman, and appeared in the Bloomberg news on March 5, 2008. He said the following:
"They see speculation in the market, I see decline in global inventories. I don't think this is a big surprise, that we've had a jump in price when there has been a decrease in crude inventories"
The second quote is from President Bush, and appeared in the Associate Press on that same day:
"It should be obvious to you all that the [gasoline] demand is outstripping supply, which causes prices to go up"
So why do I mention those quotes, and what do they have to do with my topic? I'm glad you asked. According to a recent article in Business week, there is no gas shortage. Gasoline reserves on hand are at the highest levels since the early 1990's, which is remarkable considering the nations refineries have been cutting back on the production of gasoline because their margins have declined. In fact, average gasoline reserves on hand have risen since this past October, while oil reserves in this country have gone up every week this year. So Energy Secretary Bodman's comments are at the very least "less than truthful".
President Bush goes on to tell us that demand is higher than supply, so of course prices are going to go up. The truth of the matter is that demand is DOWN, yet prices are still UP. Just so we can all get on the same page, here are the verifiable facts on oil supplies, production, and gasoline demand, according to the same Business Week article: In January of this year, the U.S. used 4% less petroleum than we did a year ago. [Oil demand was down 3.2% in February.] Furthermore, demand has been falling slowly since July of last year. Ronald Bailey of Reason Online has pointed out that worldwide production of oil has risen 2.5% in the first quarter, while worldwide demand has grown by only 2%. Production is expected to increase by 3.3% in the second quarter, and by as much as 4.1% by the third quarter. The net result is that the U.S. daily buffer for oil production against demand, which was a paltry 1.5 million barrels as recently as 2005, is now up to 3 million barrels in excess capacity today.
So what is going on here? Why would our Energy Secretary say there's a supply and demand problem when none exists? Why would he say that speculators have little or nothing to do with the incredibly high price of oil and gasoline, when it's clear they do? President Bush -- a former oilman -- gives the ever-growing demand for gasoline as the primary reason prices are so high, yet that notion can be dispelled with one minute of research. That's the problem with rhetoric; it rarely matches the facts. Again....at the very least, President Bush made a comment that seems to be "less than truthful". But is anyone really surprised by that?
So what have learned today? We have learned that there is no gas shortage, and fuel demand is actually down. Yet gas prices continue to rise at a disgusting rate, which in turn is going to cause us to use our stimulus checks on filling up our cars. So if you were looking forward to that new plasma TV, or a trip to the Bahama's, think again. Your check is already spent.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
I Don't Get it
When I was a kid, all I wanted to be when I grew up was a professional baseball player. I could not get enough of the sport, and all of my hero's were ball players. Other than my Father, they were the only role models I looked up to. My favorite players changed as they retired, or I got older. They started with Johnny Bench and Reggie Jackson and went on to Roger Clemens and Eric Davis. Aside from recent allegations against Clemens, they were good, clean-cut role models. They stayed out of trouble and gave back to their community. They understood that without the fans, they would not have a job. My 7 year old son is the same way. He loves baseball. His hero's are Ken Griffey JR; Adam Dunn, and Ryan Freel.....all good people to look up too. Like my hero's, they set good examples and care about the game and the fan's.
The odds of becoming a pro athlete are about as good as me becoming a model. Even becoming a college superstar is extremely difficult. So here is what I don't get: Why is it that so many pro and college athletes today take their status for granted? If you are one of the lucky ones who is talented enough to get paid millions of dollars for playing a game, wouldn't you do everything in your power to keep from ruining that? Do they realize how many of us would give anything to have a shot in their shoes? I would play pro baseball for league minimum and never care if my pay went up. Hell, the minimum is like $250,000. Where am I going to get a 9-5 job that pays that? That is how much I love, and respect the game.
So why are their so many morons out there? The best example of this is Chris Henry, but he disgusts me too much to talk about. I understand that a number of factors go into why certain people behave the way they do, but come on. There is nothing that happened in his childhood that can excuse his behavior as a famous, rich, adult with a responsibility to his fans and his employer. Enough said about C.H.
let's talk about all the other stars who make bad decisions. Most recently Drew Lavender of Xavier University. He was just arrested on drunk and disorderly conduct, and pot possession. He was slated to attend a camp for college players looking to go pro. Now he does not know if he will even be allowed to attend. Was that joint and that beer worth the possibility of missing out on a childhood dream, not to mention millions of dollars. I sure hope that was one sweet doobie. The University of Cincinnati recently had 2 of it's football players arrested on drug charges, along with one of their incoming Freshman. Again...was it worth it? My guess is no. What angers me the most is that I would love to have played college and pro sports, but it was not in the cards for me. These guys get a chance to live my dream, and they spit on it. I understand that normal people with normal lives do the same thing. Whether it's a guy living on the streets or a millionaire CEO. The difference is our kids do not look up to them and they are not in the public spotlight on a daily basis.
Maybe I am missing something. Maybe there is more to what goes into their thought process than I understand. Take Chad Johnson for instance. The guy gets a $25,000 bonus just for attending workouts last month. What does he do? He skips it. $25,000 to get in shape? I'll go in his spot. I guess he figures he is so rich, what's a measly 25 grand. I would think that star athletes would want the public to see them as hero's. And if not a hero, how about someone who is just really fortunate to live a dream? I wish they would stop and think about the possible ramifications of their actions before they act on them. I wish my son was asking me to tell him how Barry Bonds is the greatest home run hitter of all time as opposed to why he used drugs. Honestly, I just don't get it!
The odds of becoming a pro athlete are about as good as me becoming a model. Even becoming a college superstar is extremely difficult. So here is what I don't get: Why is it that so many pro and college athletes today take their status for granted? If you are one of the lucky ones who is talented enough to get paid millions of dollars for playing a game, wouldn't you do everything in your power to keep from ruining that? Do they realize how many of us would give anything to have a shot in their shoes? I would play pro baseball for league minimum and never care if my pay went up. Hell, the minimum is like $250,000. Where am I going to get a 9-5 job that pays that? That is how much I love, and respect the game.
So why are their so many morons out there? The best example of this is Chris Henry, but he disgusts me too much to talk about. I understand that a number of factors go into why certain people behave the way they do, but come on. There is nothing that happened in his childhood that can excuse his behavior as a famous, rich, adult with a responsibility to his fans and his employer. Enough said about C.H.
let's talk about all the other stars who make bad decisions. Most recently Drew Lavender of Xavier University. He was just arrested on drunk and disorderly conduct, and pot possession. He was slated to attend a camp for college players looking to go pro. Now he does not know if he will even be allowed to attend. Was that joint and that beer worth the possibility of missing out on a childhood dream, not to mention millions of dollars. I sure hope that was one sweet doobie. The University of Cincinnati recently had 2 of it's football players arrested on drug charges, along with one of their incoming Freshman. Again...was it worth it? My guess is no. What angers me the most is that I would love to have played college and pro sports, but it was not in the cards for me. These guys get a chance to live my dream, and they spit on it. I understand that normal people with normal lives do the same thing. Whether it's a guy living on the streets or a millionaire CEO. The difference is our kids do not look up to them and they are not in the public spotlight on a daily basis.
Maybe I am missing something. Maybe there is more to what goes into their thought process than I understand. Take Chad Johnson for instance. The guy gets a $25,000 bonus just for attending workouts last month. What does he do? He skips it. $25,000 to get in shape? I'll go in his spot. I guess he figures he is so rich, what's a measly 25 grand. I would think that star athletes would want the public to see them as hero's. And if not a hero, how about someone who is just really fortunate to live a dream? I wish they would stop and think about the possible ramifications of their actions before they act on them. I wish my son was asking me to tell him how Barry Bonds is the greatest home run hitter of all time as opposed to why he used drugs. Honestly, I just don't get it!
Monday, April 7, 2008
New Week = New Idiot
With all of the bone headed things I see and hear, I may be able to make my "Idiot of the week" colum a regular occurrence. If you live in Cincinnati, you have all heard the local Budweiser commercials on the radio making fun of a variety of people. You know....the ones that go "here's to you Mr. Cut off jeans short guy", or "Mr. Big foam finger guy". Well I have a new one to add, but we will get to that in a minute. I want to set it up a little first.
Sports talk personality Jim Rome is a guy who loves pointing out boneheads. One of my favorites is his take on the idiots who attend golf tournaments. His reference is to the people who yell "get in the hole" every time Tiger Woods tee's off. Now this is exciting the first 2...maybe 3 times. And it only works on the par 3's. For all of you idiots who yell it on every single hole...like the par 4's and 5's...please stop. You are ruining our viewing pleasure. I mean seriously....how often do we see a hole in one on a par 4, and you will never see one on a par 5. So please, for the love of all that is holy.....STOP!
This brings me to my guy...or should I say group of guys. "Here's to you Mr. sit behind home plate at a baseball game and wave while on your cell phone guy". Did you get all of that? Yes, I am talking about the idiots who sit behind home plate during televised baseball games, find out we can see them via cell phone, then wave. Granted, this is acceptable for a few waves once you find out you are on the boob tube. But for the love of God, do you really need to wave every single pitch for the whole damn game? We get it....WE SEE YOU!!!!! It's not like you are on ABC's World news while standing next to the Pope for the whole world to see. No...you are on Fox Sports Ohio, and other than the person you are talking to on your cell phone...we do not care. If anything, you are making the game worse for us. So please...hang up your phone, drink your beer, and enjoy the game. That is what the rest of us are trying to do

On another note...I would like to give a shout out to my Sister Tara who works for ABC in New York City. Yesterday she ran a half marathon and not only finished the race, but with a decent time. And if that was not enough, later that night she won an Emmy for her work at ABC. Congrats Tara...we are all so proud of you. The only way I am running 13.1 miles is if someone is chasing me :)
Sports talk personality Jim Rome is a guy who loves pointing out boneheads. One of my favorites is his take on the idiots who attend golf tournaments. His reference is to the people who yell "get in the hole" every time Tiger Woods tee's off. Now this is exciting the first 2...maybe 3 times. And it only works on the par 3's. For all of you idiots who yell it on every single hole...like the par 4's and 5's...please stop. You are ruining our viewing pleasure. I mean seriously....how often do we see a hole in one on a par 4, and you will never see one on a par 5. So please, for the love of all that is holy.....STOP!
This brings me to my guy...or should I say group of guys. "Here's to you Mr. sit behind home plate at a baseball game and wave while on your cell phone guy". Did you get all of that? Yes, I am talking about the idiots who sit behind home plate during televised baseball games, find out we can see them via cell phone, then wave. Granted, this is acceptable for a few waves once you find out you are on the boob tube. But for the love of God, do you really need to wave every single pitch for the whole damn game? We get it....WE SEE YOU!!!!! It's not like you are on ABC's World news while standing next to the Pope for the whole world to see. No...you are on Fox Sports Ohio, and other than the person you are talking to on your cell phone...we do not care. If anything, you are making the game worse for us. So please...hang up your phone, drink your beer, and enjoy the game. That is what the rest of us are trying to do

On another note...I would like to give a shout out to my Sister Tara who works for ABC in New York City. Yesterday she ran a half marathon and not only finished the race, but with a decent time. And if that was not enough, later that night she won an Emmy for her work at ABC. Congrats Tara...we are all so proud of you. The only way I am running 13.1 miles is if someone is chasing me :)
Friday, March 28, 2008
Things You Just Don't Talk About

Most everybody enjoys a good conversation. The topic really isn't important. It could be sports, the weather, the last movie you saw or what you did on vacation. Good conversation can stimulate the mind like nothing else. And if everyone involved is fairly educated on the topic, it makes it even better. I love to talk...just ask anyone. But over the years, I have learned one very important rule regarding conversation. There are three things you never talk about: Politics, abortion, and religion. There may be some le-way if it is just you and a spouse, or good friend. But if you are at a party, and don't really know the people you are talking to all that well....please avoid these topics. Everyone has a strong opinion when it comes to these topics, and odds are you are not going to change their mind on how they feel. If anything, it will usually end up in anger. A Democrat will never sway a Republican. A pro-life believer will never sway someone who is pro-choice. And a Catholic will never convince a Baptist to cross over to the dark side. It just doesn't happen.
So whats my point?

The other day I read a letter written by a gentlemen in Cincinnati. The letter was printed in the local paper, and basically he told black people to quit holding slavery against white people. That slavery was a long time ago, and nobody alive today had anything to do with it. "Get over it" seemed to be his message. Now do I really need to say that this should be classified in the "things you don't talk about" category? I am not even going to express my thoughts on the topic. They are neither here nor there. I am not educated enough about slavery to offer an opinion. I am however, educated enough to know that there is not an African-American out there who is going to see your point and just "get over it".
We live in such a tense racial world as it is. One thing we all agree on is that slavery was bad. No human, regardless of color, deserved to be treated like that. What I don't understand is why this individual felt inclined to even bring it up and write in about it. What was he thinking he was going to accomplish? His beliefs and opinions are his, and that is fine. But this is one topic you just don't talk about in that manner. If he wanted to have a discussion about it with some African-Americans, and find out why he "thinks" they are still angry, then he should have done just that. Maybe he could have expressed his confusion as to why he thinks he is being held responsible for slavery existing in America. Maybe someone could have explained to him that it was the root of racial divide as we know it. Maybe he could have presented his thoughts in an intelligent way, as opposed to just saying "I didn't do it". Odds are, someone in his family tree was somehow, someway, involved in slavery. Iell...they may have even been a slave. Remember, there were white slaves and black slave owners as well....just something to think about.
So next time you are at a party, or hanging out with friends, and you decide to have a discussion, just be mindful of what you are really talking about. Different things affect everyone in a different way. if you say that you think the Cincinnati Red's stink, you are not going to offend someones personal beliefs. If you say that the Jews all deserved to die, you might catch an ass whooping. There are just some things you don't talk about.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Am I Just a Bitter Person?
The more I come up with things to write about, the more I find myself asking...."Am I just an angry, bitter person, or is everyone else just crazy?" Let me explain. 95% of my topics come from things I see, hear, or read about....and usually that day. When I read something idiotic, hear something idiotic, or see just plain idiots, my inspiration flourishes. But as the day goes on and I process my thoughts, I often wonder if I just let things bother me too much, or if I have a legitimate reason for bitching. I like to believe other people feel the same way as I do, but they chose to just let it go. I on the other hand like to exploit it. Without that I would be writing about puppies and dandelions. And if I wrote about puppies and dandelions, I would only have 1/3 of the amount of traffic I get on my site......or 1 person instead of 3....counting myself. The only thing I know about puppies is they like to attack my cat to the brink of death, and I don't know squat about dandelions. Aren't they a weed? Anyway, we have strayed way off track here. Back to my point.
It all started when I got off work and decided to hit the local Kroger to pick up something for dinner. I was in the mood for something nice. So I went for the boneless chicken TV dinner instead of the bone in chicken. Wait...I'm getting ahead of myself here.
So I pull into the Kroger parking lot, and you would have thought we were expecting 1/2 inch of snow. That is how crazy crowded it was. Good thing I didn't need milk or bread. As I'm looking for a parking spot, the idiots start to come out. I mean they are everywhere. It starts with this lady...maybe 30 something. Now let me set this up. When someone comes out of the store, 10 out of 10 times I will stop and wave them across. But what I was noticing was that this lady just darts across the road without looking or even making an attempt to stop. Like she was the only person that mattered. We should all look out for her. That really didn't fire me up. I just called her a jackass and prepared to move on. But then another woman, with 3 young children does the same thing. Followed by an elderly man, and so on. I sat still for a few minutes if for nothing else than to keep from killing one of them. Are people this clueless, or have we reached the era of "it's all about me? They don't even bother to make an attempt at stopping to look. it is basically "screw you people, I will do what I want". Now the actual act of this asinine behavior doesn't really bother me. It is the thought process that enables the behavior. People just don't give a crap about anyone but themselves anymore. Keep in mind here that I am using my Kroger trip merely as an example. if this was the only time it happened, I would laugh it off. But it exists on a daily basis in a variety of situations.
So once I am able to move, I take a right and proceed to look for a parking spot. I make my way down one of the rows, and idiot number 2 makes his appearance. The lady with 2 kids who is parked near the front of the store gets to her car and starts to load her groceries and get her children in the car. The idiot is the guy in the car ahead of me. He is stopped in the middle of the aisle with his blinker on...letting us all know that is his spot. He is in the middle so he can make the turn, and he is about 5 feet from her car. Nobody is stealing his spot. Here in lies my rage. A) I can't get around the guy. B) The lady just started unloading her cart, so she will be a while. C) there was a parking spot open about 3 spots back. And D)..this is the kicker. He is stopped so damn close to her car that she can't even get out. He ends up having to back up, which means myself, and the guy behind me have to back up as well. Did I do that scenario justice? Do you all know what I am talking about? God I can't stand that guy. Another case of "screw everyone else. I will do what I want so I don't have to walk my fat ass another 10 feet".
So idiot number 2 gets his prized parking spot and I am prepared to make a left to check the next aisle for a parking spot. As I reach the store exit, I notice an elderly lady that actually stopped for traffic. I wave for her to cross. As I am doing this, the hag behind me with a Pall Mall hanging from her lips and yapping into her cell phone is honking at me and throwing up her arms at me. Basically telling me to move, she is in a hurry, and the 5 seconds I am taking to let the sweet old lady cross the street is unacceptable. This one pissed me off. I decided to let a hand full of other citizens cross before I moved. This resulted in some more honking and not so nice hand gestures.
So up the next aisle I go, and there she she is. The biggest offender of the Kroger parking lot idiot club. I am referring to the lady who walks down the middle of the aisle with her cart on her way to her car. You all know who she is. I mean come on. If ever there was an example of "screw everyone else, it is all about me"...it is with this lady.
So my point is this. Are people just inconsiderate idiots? Are they just clueless? Or am I just a bitter person who lets the small stuff get to me? I suppose it could be a little bit of all 3. I really don't sit around wondering what I can complain about next. Do these people, and not just at Kroger, bother you too....or is it just me?
It all started when I got off work and decided to hit the local Kroger to pick up something for dinner. I was in the mood for something nice. So I went for the boneless chicken TV dinner instead of the bone in chicken. Wait...I'm getting ahead of myself here.
So I pull into the Kroger parking lot, and you would have thought we were expecting 1/2 inch of snow. That is how crazy crowded it was. Good thing I didn't need milk or bread. As I'm looking for a parking spot, the idiots start to come out. I mean they are everywhere. It starts with this lady...maybe 30 something. Now let me set this up. When someone comes out of the store, 10 out of 10 times I will stop and wave them across. But what I was noticing was that this lady just darts across the road without looking or even making an attempt to stop. Like she was the only person that mattered. We should all look out for her. That really didn't fire me up. I just called her a jackass and prepared to move on. But then another woman, with 3 young children does the same thing. Followed by an elderly man, and so on. I sat still for a few minutes if for nothing else than to keep from killing one of them. Are people this clueless, or have we reached the era of "it's all about me? They don't even bother to make an attempt at stopping to look. it is basically "screw you people, I will do what I want". Now the actual act of this asinine behavior doesn't really bother me. It is the thought process that enables the behavior. People just don't give a crap about anyone but themselves anymore. Keep in mind here that I am using my Kroger trip merely as an example. if this was the only time it happened, I would laugh it off. But it exists on a daily basis in a variety of situations.
So once I am able to move, I take a right and proceed to look for a parking spot. I make my way down one of the rows, and idiot number 2 makes his appearance. The lady with 2 kids who is parked near the front of the store gets to her car and starts to load her groceries and get her children in the car. The idiot is the guy in the car ahead of me. He is stopped in the middle of the aisle with his blinker on...letting us all know that is his spot. He is in the middle so he can make the turn, and he is about 5 feet from her car. Nobody is stealing his spot. Here in lies my rage. A) I can't get around the guy. B) The lady just started unloading her cart, so she will be a while. C) there was a parking spot open about 3 spots back. And D)..this is the kicker. He is stopped so damn close to her car that she can't even get out. He ends up having to back up, which means myself, and the guy behind me have to back up as well. Did I do that scenario justice? Do you all know what I am talking about? God I can't stand that guy. Another case of "screw everyone else. I will do what I want so I don't have to walk my fat ass another 10 feet".
So idiot number 2 gets his prized parking spot and I am prepared to make a left to check the next aisle for a parking spot. As I reach the store exit, I notice an elderly lady that actually stopped for traffic. I wave for her to cross. As I am doing this, the hag behind me with a Pall Mall hanging from her lips and yapping into her cell phone is honking at me and throwing up her arms at me. Basically telling me to move, she is in a hurry, and the 5 seconds I am taking to let the sweet old lady cross the street is unacceptable. This one pissed me off. I decided to let a hand full of other citizens cross before I moved. This resulted in some more honking and not so nice hand gestures.

So my point is this. Are people just inconsiderate idiots? Are they just clueless? Or am I just a bitter person who lets the small stuff get to me? I suppose it could be a little bit of all 3. I really don't sit around wondering what I can complain about next. Do these people, and not just at Kroger, bother you too....or is it just me?
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Bring Back the Chastity Belt!

Needless to say, I was shocked when I heard on the news today that one in four teenage girls in the United States has a sexually transmitted disease. Let me repeat that....ONE IN FOUR GIRLS IN THE U.S. HAS A SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE. If you are a teenage girl who is sexually active, you have the same odds of getting an STD as you do guessing a correct answer on a 10th grade multiple choice question.
Half of the girls who participated in the Federal study, denied ever having sex, yet had an STD. The most common explanation was only intercourse is sex, and that is the only way you can catch an STD. Really? So where did it come from? The disease fairy? The toilet seat in the mall's public restroom. Yes, it's true. People change over time. Apparently they become more clueless by the day. The most astonishing numbers were among the girls who admitted to being sexually active. Among the honest...40 percent had an STD. 40 PERCENT! The first question that comes to mind when reading these numbers is "shouldn't 40 percent of teenage boys have an STD as well?" Or are all the girls just sleeping with the same hand full of guys?
OK...here it comes..."When I was a teenager"...these numbers did not exist anywhere near the numbers they are today. Here is how it worked back then. Only a handful of girls were having sex...at least early on in High School. Everyone knew who those girls were. They had a name. They were the sluts. They hung out with the grits. I know...sounds harsh, but that is how it was "when I was a kid". I am by no means naive, but in today's day and age of teen pregnancy's and sexually transmitted diseases, how can so many young girls not only be having sex...but unprotected sex at that? Am I the only one bothered by this? Am I just a fuddy duddy? Are boys these days that much better at smooth talking the girls? Do kids think they are untouchable and can do whatever they want? So if my teenage daughter, and 3 of her friends are hanging out at my house...the odds are good that one of them personally knows what chlamydia, herpes, or the clap is? Is it my daughter? Sure as hell better not be. As parents we can only do our best when it comes to talking about the ramifications of sex with our children. We don't threaten them. Maybe scare them a little...but mostly we talk to them with love when it comes to such a touchy topic. After that, it is up to them on what they will do with the information. Like I mentioned in one of my posts last month.....if my daughter ends up pregnant at age 16, at no time during our conversation will I blame Britney Spears sister, music, or TV. I will blame my daughter. Why shouldn't I? I didn't make her have unprotected sex. I tried to prevent it by arming her with life scenarios of what the aftermath might be. Do I really sound like the kind of guy who wants to raise another kid? Because you know that is what ends up happening.
Like I said in the beginning. I get that kids nowadays are basically what we called sluts "when I was a kid". But one in four catch an STD? Mind boggling. The funny thing is, one thing remains the same over time. "When I was in High School" the percentage of girls who did not have sex and took school serious, went on to have much more successful lives than those who were mattress dancing and partying. Hell...I'm an example of that. (The second part). That remains true today. If only there was a way to get kids today to see that when they get older, they are going to look back at their teenage years and be like "why the hell did I do that. Was it really worth it?" All I can do is pray that my children stay among the 3 out of 4 who do not experience a burning sensation when they pee!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Idiot of the Week
Since my last post, I have been struggling a little bit on what I should write about next. You have to love it when it just falls in your lap. On Mondays I volunteer at our neighborhoods Senior Center, taking a group of elderly ladies to the local grocery store so they can do their shopping. They are unable to drive, so I do it for them. Sometimes they like me to come inside and help them, and other times they like to do it on their own. Today they wanted to do it themselves, so I waited in the van while they shopped. To pass the time I grabbed a copy of the Cincinnati Enquirer and a Diet Coke. As I started reading the "letters to the Editor", the semi-lit lightbulb in my head went off when I got to a letter from Jude Camberos of Reading, Ohio. "Thank you Jude" I said. "Thank you for curing my writers block by being....in my opinion.....such an idiot". Let me post his letter first, then if it is even neccesary, we can disect it like a 10th grader disects a frog in Biology class....quick and brutal:
Stephen Wolf has just been sentenced to eight years in prison for his multiple DUI convictions ("Facing the DUI music," Feb. 18). This is ridiculous. Punishment in this depth should not be sentenced for driving under the influence charges. Unless the man has injured or killed others, this is not necessary. This man obviously knew what he could do without endangering others.
If anything, Wolf's prison-bound charges should be for his hit-and-run incident last summer. Eight years of this man's life will now be ruined. His abstinence of alcohol may be present in prison, but now his life and those of others are hurt.
DUIs should not be charged with prison time but have more convictions toward community service or fines. Also, more strict penalties on revoked licenses could be enforced. This man will lose eight years of his life for mistakes he made while intoxicated. Intoxication does alter decisions, and Wolf obviously made bad choices.
Jude Camberos, Reading
Has anyone else had to make a trip to the medicine cabinet for 2 Advil and a bandaid for your scalp from scratching it so hard it started to bleed? When I started reading his letter, I thought maybe he was going to suggest that getting repeat DUI offenders help was a better alternative than prison. Maybe putting them in rehab, or alcohol awareness classes could be usefull. I'm not saying I agree with that. Everyone makes mistakes. Trust me...I understand that better than anyone. But what our gum ball machine legal expert failed to mention was that this was Mr. Wolf's 19th DUI. Yes....you deserve to go to jail for having 19 DUI's, if not for less than that. Good ole' Jude thought community service would make a 19 time DUI offender see the light. That would be about as effective as using gasoline to put out a fire. This man obviously had no intention on ever giving up drinking, or driving when he had been drinking. Forget that he did not have a license and was still driving. How many laws does one have to break before jail is considered a "reasonble" form of punishment? Can you fill me in on that Jude?
The last time I had a look of disbelief on my face so big that you could see it a mile away, was when President Bush gave his State of the Union Adress. Our esteemed author actually says (with a straight face I'm guessing): "Unless the man has injured or killed others, this is not necessary. This man obviously knew what he could do without endangering others.".
He obviously knew what he could do without endangering others? Wow! Jude....you were aware that people were actually going to read this, right? That has got to be the most idiotic, asinine, half-witted, moronic, unintelligent thing I have ever heard. I am going to go out on a limb and guess that Jude has recieved a "few" DUI's himself. Of course that is purley speculation. I'm not saying he has. I could be wrong.
Jude feels all sad inside that this individual is going to lose 8 years of his life for "getting caught" driving drunk 19 times. Who knows how many times he didn't get caught. What happens the next time he operates his vehicle with yellow tags while inebriated? What if he kills someone the 20th time? Does he deserve jail then? By putting this individual behind bars now, not only are we all a little more safe, but others will see what happens when you REPEATEDLY tell the law to go screw itself. And Maybe, just maybe.....someone, somewhere, will choose to hand over the keys next time they have had to much to drink. Even if only one person see's the light from all of this, that is one less drunk driver on the road. Everyone has heard the old saying "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". Jude...for you I say: "If you don't have anything that makes even an ounce of sense, don't say anything at all".
Stephen Wolf has just been sentenced to eight years in prison for his multiple DUI convictions ("Facing the DUI music," Feb. 18). This is ridiculous. Punishment in this depth should not be sentenced for driving under the influence charges. Unless the man has injured or killed others, this is not necessary. This man obviously knew what he could do without endangering others.
If anything, Wolf's prison-bound charges should be for his hit-and-run incident last summer. Eight years of this man's life will now be ruined. His abstinence of alcohol may be present in prison, but now his life and those of others are hurt.
DUIs should not be charged with prison time but have more convictions toward community service or fines. Also, more strict penalties on revoked licenses could be enforced. This man will lose eight years of his life for mistakes he made while intoxicated. Intoxication does alter decisions, and Wolf obviously made bad choices.
Jude Camberos, Reading
Has anyone else had to make a trip to the medicine cabinet for 2 Advil and a bandaid for your scalp from scratching it so hard it started to bleed? When I started reading his letter, I thought maybe he was going to suggest that getting repeat DUI offenders help was a better alternative than prison. Maybe putting them in rehab, or alcohol awareness classes could be usefull. I'm not saying I agree with that. Everyone makes mistakes. Trust me...I understand that better than anyone. But what our gum ball machine legal expert failed to mention was that this was Mr. Wolf's 19th DUI. Yes....you deserve to go to jail for having 19 DUI's, if not for less than that. Good ole' Jude thought community service would make a 19 time DUI offender see the light. That would be about as effective as using gasoline to put out a fire. This man obviously had no intention on ever giving up drinking, or driving when he had been drinking. Forget that he did not have a license and was still driving. How many laws does one have to break before jail is considered a "reasonble" form of punishment? Can you fill me in on that Jude?
The last time I had a look of disbelief on my face so big that you could see it a mile away, was when President Bush gave his State of the Union Adress. Our esteemed author actually says (with a straight face I'm guessing): "Unless the man has injured or killed others, this is not necessary. This man obviously knew what he could do without endangering others.".

Jude feels all sad inside that this individual is going to lose 8 years of his life for "getting caught" driving drunk 19 times. Who knows how many times he didn't get caught. What happens the next time he operates his vehicle with yellow tags while inebriated? What if he kills someone the 20th time? Does he deserve jail then? By putting this individual behind bars now, not only are we all a little more safe, but others will see what happens when you REPEATEDLY tell the law to go screw itself. And Maybe, just maybe.....someone, somewhere, will choose to hand over the keys next time they have had to much to drink. Even if only one person see's the light from all of this, that is one less drunk driver on the road. Everyone has heard the old saying "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". Jude...for you I say: "If you don't have anything that makes even an ounce of sense, don't say anything at all".
Thursday, February 28, 2008
2008 MLB Predictions
I know it is still early, but I have been following all of the off-season moves in baseball and have been working on putting together my predictions for the up coming season. After many, many, rough drafts, I have come up with what I believe will happen this year. Now some of my picks will surprise you, and some will be obvious. Seeing as how I am a Red's fan, I could not allow that to bias my selections. So for those of you who care about baseball, here it is. Of course nothing is GUARANTEED here.
American League East
1. New York Yankees. Yes, I am going with NY over Boston. I believe the Yanks are fed up with the Sox being the dominate team in this division. It's just impossible to ignore this offense. Every bat in the line-up is a legitimate 20-homer player. The pitching is a little shaky, but it should bounce back from last year.
2. Boston Red Sox. This is obviously the toughest division to pick the outright winner, but like I said. I believe Boston's run is done. I don't even have them getting the Wild Card. The risk for Boston is that all of a sudden, the offense might not look as intimidating. Manny is slipping,and Mike Lowell probably had his best year ever. On the other hand...their pitching is deep and they do have some talented young players.
*Note* I will just list the rest of the teams in the order they will finish since none of them will win the division.
3. Toronto Blue Jays
4. Tampa Bay Rays. That's right. By losing the "Devil" in their name, they will finish 2nd to last instead of dead last.
5. Baltimore Orioles
American League West
1.Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. They made some strategic acquisitions in the offseason in hopes of getting back to the postseason. Backing up their ace SP John Lackey, is former White Sox SP Jon Garland. And the Angels added CF super star (offense and defense) Torii Hunter. If Vladimir Guerrero can deliver about 110+ RBI's.. again, then all things considered, the Angel's should grab the AL West title.
2. Seattle Mariners. The Mariners are improved (brining in SP Erik Bedard and SP Carlos Silva,) but there are still questions about the rotation, and the line-up desperately needs more power and consistency-- starting with Richie Sexson. The pieces are here, but everything needs to click for the Mariners to win the AL West.
3. Texas Rangers. Like the AL East, all teams after the Angel's and Mariner's are just pretenders with no real shot at winning the division. The Rangers did make some nice acquisitions in Josh Hamilton and Milton Bradley. And who knows which Eric Gagne is going to show up.
4. Oakland Athletics. Didn't they trade away their entire team?
American League Central
1. Detroit Tigers. This one was a little tough seeing as how I am an Indian's fan as well. But how can you argue it? A laundry list of new players has arrived to fill the few weak spots that existed last year: SP Dontrelle Willis, 3B Miguel Cabrera, SS Edgar Renteria, and OF Jacque Jones headline that list. They should be tough to beat and may end up with the best record in baseball.
2. Cleveland Indians. They are basicly the exact same team as last year when they were 1 game away from the World Series. Pitching is good, and so is the offense. Newcomer Jenson Lewis (local boy) should be a big help providing long middle relief.
3. Chicago White Sox. The offense has actually been given a significant offseason makeover. With the addition of OF Nick Swisher and SS Orlando Cabrera it seems the White Sox have a bit of upside-- especially given that guys like 1B Paul Konerko, DH Jim Thome, C AJ Pierzynski, OF Jermaine Dye, and 3B (for now) Joe Crede, all had bad years last season. The White Sox could surprise some people.
4. Minnesota Twins. They just lost to much in Santana and Hunter.
5. Kansas City Royals What can I say...it's the Royals. The most exciting thing to follow this year is wether or not Jason Larue hits above .183 like he did last year.
AL Manager of the Year: Joe Girardi (Yankees)
AL Cy Young: Fausto Carmona (Indians)
AL MVP: Alex Rodriguez
AL Rookie of the Year: Clay Buchholz (Boston)
National League East
1. New York Mets. With the addition of SP Johan Santana the Mets have to be considered the odds on favorite to win the NL East. Especially if Pedro comes back strong. But will the ghost of last September (losing 6 of their last 7 games) linger into this season?
2. Philadelphia Phillies. The Phillies have become good for about 87 wins every year, but they will need a bit more to emerge from the division. Could be an exciting race between them and NY.
3. Atlanta Braves. Do you know how akward it is picking the Braves to finish 3rd? I think the Mets and Phillies will just be to much for them. But you never know...after all, they are the Braves and Bobby Cox knows how to win.
4. Washington Nationals. Not only will they not finish dead last, but I have them winning 80 games. That will still give them a losing record by 2 games, but hey....Jim Bowden was always good at coming "close" He has a ton of ex-reds on the team and in the front office. If he couldn't win with them in Cincy, what makes him think they will win for him in D.C.?
5. Florida Marlins. The Marlins have a list of great up-and-coming bats. The anchor of the line-up is lead-off hitter SS Hanley Ramirez, who's already established himself as one of the best overall fantasy baseball players. Other than that they are pretty shaky all around.
National League West
1. Colorado Rockies. The Rockies are now an inspired bunch that not only believe they can win, they know they have done it. Also, the line-up is finally built to deliver the runs a Denver-based team should, given the high-altitude. However, heartbreak could await. But It won't be easy to repeat.
2. Arizona Diamondbacks. Arizona has 3 great starting pitchers (Webb, Haren, and The Unit). And the first 3 bats in the line-up (Young, Hudson, and Byrnes) are big too. The key to success depends on the other pieces-- guys like SP Doug Davis or SP Micah Owings, Closer Brandon Lyon, and OF Justin Upton. If the D-Backs can get some spark from some of these names, they could land back in the playoffs.
3. San Diego Padres. The Padres have one of those offenses that just seems to get the job done. This year, the one consistent piece, 1B Adrian Gonzalez (30 HR's, 100 RBI's) will be backed up by the addition of OF Jim Edmonds. A good move. The rest of the order is about piecing together runs-- SS Khalil Greene and 3B Kevin Kouzmanoff meet the veteran ability of OF Brian Giles and the addition of 2B Tadahito Iguchi.
4. Los Angeles Dodgers. The Dodgers batting order is an NL version of the Yankees. Well, a lite version anyways. But think about it: Furcal, Kent, Loney, Jones, Kemp, Martin, Garciaparra, and Pierre. It may not be rock solid, but it's got a lot of potential. Plus Joe Torre is in town. Talk about a guy who just wins. This team could easily go from my predicted 4th place finish to winning the division.
5. San Francisco Giants. Yeah...they suck...and could battle for the worst record in the NL
National League Central
1. Cincinnati Red's. There you have it. I wish I could say I was just doing this because I am a fan. But the truth is, the Central is the weakest league in the NL...maybe all of baseball. 84 wins will probably be enough to win the title. The Reds have a bunch of talent they can use right through the batting order: SS Alex Gonzalez, OF Jay Bruce, 2B Brandon Phillips, OF Adam Dunn, 1B Joey Votto. None of them are directly bumped out of the line-up because Ken Griffey Jr is there. If JR and Dunn can repeat their stats from last year, and if at least 1 more pitcher can step up with Harang and Arroyo as dependable every outing, The Reds have a legitmite shot at winning the league.
2. Chicago Cubs. The Cubs are hoping for addition by subtraction. OF Jacque Jones, C Jason Kendall, and SP Mark Prior are gone. The sole replacement comes from Japan, OF Kosuke Fukudome-- a career .300 hitting power hitter that turns 31 in April. But looking this team over, sure it's competitive-- any team with Alfonso Soriano can't help but be. However, even though the Cubs bought their way back into competing last year, there are a lot of things that would need to come together for this team to get to the World Series. Winning the division is a tough enough battle.
3.St. Louis Cardinals. Health is the key factor here. The Cards need to watch the health of a slew of key superstars: SP Chris Carpenter, SP Mark Mulder, 3B Troy Glaus, and OF Chris Duncan. Without Carpenter until, most likely, at least July (12 months after his Tommy John surgery) the situation looks bleak.
4. Houston Astros. The Astros led the league in offseason changes. A lot of it centered around just getting rid of the RP Brad Lidge sagas-- new RP Jose Valverde (who pitched lights out relief for the D-Backs last year) will be counted on as the closer. Kaz Matsui steps in to replace retired 2B Craig Biggio.
5. Milwaukee Brewers. Despite what seemed like a quantum leap in performance last season, the Brewers finished just 2 games over .500.
6. Pittsburg Pirates. For crying out loud...it's the Pirates.
NL Manager of the Year: Willie Randolph (NYM)
NL Cy Young: Johan Santana
NL MVP: Alfonso Soriano (CHC)
NL Rookie of the Year: Johnny Cueto (CIN)
AL Wildcard team: Cleveland Indians.
ALCS: Tigers beat the Yankees
NL Wildcard team: Philadelphia Phillies
NLCS: Mets beat the Rockies.
World Series:
Tigers over the Mets in 7 games.
American League East
1. New York Yankees. Yes, I am going with NY over Boston. I believe the Yanks are fed up with the Sox being the dominate team in this division. It's just impossible to ignore this offense. Every bat in the line-up is a legitimate 20-homer player. The pitching is a little shaky, but it should bounce back from last year.
2. Boston Red Sox. This is obviously the toughest division to pick the outright winner, but like I said. I believe Boston's run is done. I don't even have them getting the Wild Card. The risk for Boston is that all of a sudden, the offense might not look as intimidating. Manny is slipping,and Mike Lowell probably had his best year ever. On the other hand...their pitching is deep and they do have some talented young players.
*Note* I will just list the rest of the teams in the order they will finish since none of them will win the division.
3. Toronto Blue Jays
4. Tampa Bay Rays. That's right. By losing the "Devil" in their name, they will finish 2nd to last instead of dead last.
5. Baltimore Orioles
American League West
1.Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. They made some strategic acquisitions in the offseason in hopes of getting back to the postseason. Backing up their ace SP John Lackey, is former White Sox SP Jon Garland. And the Angels added CF super star (offense and defense) Torii Hunter. If Vladimir Guerrero can deliver about 110+ RBI's.. again, then all things considered, the Angel's should grab the AL West title.
2. Seattle Mariners. The Mariners are improved (brining in SP Erik Bedard and SP Carlos Silva,) but there are still questions about the rotation, and the line-up desperately needs more power and consistency-- starting with Richie Sexson. The pieces are here, but everything needs to click for the Mariners to win the AL West.
3. Texas Rangers. Like the AL East, all teams after the Angel's and Mariner's are just pretenders with no real shot at winning the division. The Rangers did make some nice acquisitions in Josh Hamilton and Milton Bradley. And who knows which Eric Gagne is going to show up.
4. Oakland Athletics. Didn't they trade away their entire team?
American League Central
1. Detroit Tigers. This one was a little tough seeing as how I am an Indian's fan as well. But how can you argue it? A laundry list of new players has arrived to fill the few weak spots that existed last year: SP Dontrelle Willis, 3B Miguel Cabrera, SS Edgar Renteria, and OF Jacque Jones headline that list. They should be tough to beat and may end up with the best record in baseball.
2. Cleveland Indians. They are basicly the exact same team as last year when they were 1 game away from the World Series. Pitching is good, and so is the offense. Newcomer Jenson Lewis (local boy) should be a big help providing long middle relief.
3. Chicago White Sox. The offense has actually been given a significant offseason makeover. With the addition of OF Nick Swisher and SS Orlando Cabrera it seems the White Sox have a bit of upside-- especially given that guys like 1B Paul Konerko, DH Jim Thome, C AJ Pierzynski, OF Jermaine Dye, and 3B (for now) Joe Crede, all had bad years last season. The White Sox could surprise some people.
4. Minnesota Twins. They just lost to much in Santana and Hunter.
5. Kansas City Royals What can I say...it's the Royals. The most exciting thing to follow this year is wether or not Jason Larue hits above .183 like he did last year.
AL Manager of the Year: Joe Girardi (Yankees)
AL Cy Young: Fausto Carmona (Indians)
AL MVP: Alex Rodriguez
AL Rookie of the Year: Clay Buchholz (Boston)
National League East
1. New York Mets. With the addition of SP Johan Santana the Mets have to be considered the odds on favorite to win the NL East. Especially if Pedro comes back strong. But will the ghost of last September (losing 6 of their last 7 games) linger into this season?
2. Philadelphia Phillies. The Phillies have become good for about 87 wins every year, but they will need a bit more to emerge from the division. Could be an exciting race between them and NY.
3. Atlanta Braves. Do you know how akward it is picking the Braves to finish 3rd? I think the Mets and Phillies will just be to much for them. But you never know...after all, they are the Braves and Bobby Cox knows how to win.
4. Washington Nationals. Not only will they not finish dead last, but I have them winning 80 games. That will still give them a losing record by 2 games, but hey....Jim Bowden was always good at coming "close" He has a ton of ex-reds on the team and in the front office. If he couldn't win with them in Cincy, what makes him think they will win for him in D.C.?
5. Florida Marlins. The Marlins have a list of great up-and-coming bats. The anchor of the line-up is lead-off hitter SS Hanley Ramirez, who's already established himself as one of the best overall fantasy baseball players. Other than that they are pretty shaky all around.
National League West
1. Colorado Rockies. The Rockies are now an inspired bunch that not only believe they can win, they know they have done it. Also, the line-up is finally built to deliver the runs a Denver-based team should, given the high-altitude. However, heartbreak could await. But It won't be easy to repeat.
2. Arizona Diamondbacks. Arizona has 3 great starting pitchers (Webb, Haren, and The Unit). And the first 3 bats in the line-up (Young, Hudson, and Byrnes) are big too. The key to success depends on the other pieces-- guys like SP Doug Davis or SP Micah Owings, Closer Brandon Lyon, and OF Justin Upton. If the D-Backs can get some spark from some of these names, they could land back in the playoffs.
3. San Diego Padres. The Padres have one of those offenses that just seems to get the job done. This year, the one consistent piece, 1B Adrian Gonzalez (30 HR's, 100 RBI's) will be backed up by the addition of OF Jim Edmonds. A good move. The rest of the order is about piecing together runs-- SS Khalil Greene and 3B Kevin Kouzmanoff meet the veteran ability of OF Brian Giles and the addition of 2B Tadahito Iguchi.
4. Los Angeles Dodgers. The Dodgers batting order is an NL version of the Yankees. Well, a lite version anyways. But think about it: Furcal, Kent, Loney, Jones, Kemp, Martin, Garciaparra, and Pierre. It may not be rock solid, but it's got a lot of potential. Plus Joe Torre is in town. Talk about a guy who just wins. This team could easily go from my predicted 4th place finish to winning the division.
5. San Francisco Giants. Yeah...they suck...and could battle for the worst record in the NL
National League Central
1. Cincinnati Red's. There you have it. I wish I could say I was just doing this because I am a fan. But the truth is, the Central is the weakest league in the NL...maybe all of baseball. 84 wins will probably be enough to win the title. The Reds have a bunch of talent they can use right through the batting order: SS Alex Gonzalez, OF Jay Bruce, 2B Brandon Phillips, OF Adam Dunn, 1B Joey Votto. None of them are directly bumped out of the line-up because Ken Griffey Jr is there. If JR and Dunn can repeat their stats from last year, and if at least 1 more pitcher can step up with Harang and Arroyo as dependable every outing, The Reds have a legitmite shot at winning the league.
2. Chicago Cubs. The Cubs are hoping for addition by subtraction. OF Jacque Jones, C Jason Kendall, and SP Mark Prior are gone. The sole replacement comes from Japan, OF Kosuke Fukudome-- a career .300 hitting power hitter that turns 31 in April. But looking this team over, sure it's competitive-- any team with Alfonso Soriano can't help but be. However, even though the Cubs bought their way back into competing last year, there are a lot of things that would need to come together for this team to get to the World Series. Winning the division is a tough enough battle.
3.St. Louis Cardinals. Health is the key factor here. The Cards need to watch the health of a slew of key superstars: SP Chris Carpenter, SP Mark Mulder, 3B Troy Glaus, and OF Chris Duncan. Without Carpenter until, most likely, at least July (12 months after his Tommy John surgery) the situation looks bleak.
4. Houston Astros. The Astros led the league in offseason changes. A lot of it centered around just getting rid of the RP Brad Lidge sagas-- new RP Jose Valverde (who pitched lights out relief for the D-Backs last year) will be counted on as the closer. Kaz Matsui steps in to replace retired 2B Craig Biggio.
5. Milwaukee Brewers. Despite what seemed like a quantum leap in performance last season, the Brewers finished just 2 games over .500.
6. Pittsburg Pirates. For crying out loud...it's the Pirates.
NL Manager of the Year: Willie Randolph (NYM)
NL Cy Young: Johan Santana
NL MVP: Alfonso Soriano (CHC)
NL Rookie of the Year: Johnny Cueto (CIN)
AL Wildcard team: Cleveland Indians.
ALCS: Tigers beat the Yankees
NL Wildcard team: Philadelphia Phillies
NLCS: Mets beat the Rockies.
World Series:
Tigers over the Mets in 7 games.
Morning Rant
What a beautiful morning. I woke up to a very frigid 9 degree's outside, but then again, it is February...right? I went outside to get the morning paper, only to discover that my delivery guy must have had a rough night. I can understand missing the driveway by a few feet to the right or left, but in the middle of my yard? Once inside, and having tended to my frostbite, I sat down to read my favorite paper, while listening to the Today Show in the background. I always read the Sports section first to but me in a good mood, and finish with the Forum section so my entire reading experience is not tainted from the start. We have some rather bright individuals in our lovely city who are so kind to grace us on a daily basis with their infinite wisdom. Of course most of them are idiots and not opinionated and open minded like myself.
let's see what is making the headlines today:
The dollar is at an all time low. Well that can't be good. It seems the only 2 Countries where the dollar is still worth more than the local currency are South Africa and South Korea. Anyone planning on going there any time soon?
On the heel's of the dollars value being worth about as much as Bill "Willy" Cunningham's endorsement of John McCain, we have President Bush insisting we are not in a recession. According to our beloved Commander in Chief, we are in a "Economic Slowdown". I tried to look up the difference but was unable to find anything that clearly separated the two. It's really just semantics anyway isn't it?
An Australian Lawyer was killed by a shark while diving in the Bahama's. OK..this peaks my interest. We all know that my greatest fear in life is to be attacked by a shark, somehow make it to shore...only to be bit by a poisonous snake while bleeding on the beach. What? Everyone has an idea on the worst way to die, right? Anyway, I'm feeling bad for this guy, right. Stupid sharks. Wait a minute....uhhhh.....nevermind. Stupid Lawyer. Turns out the wise Aussie was doing an un-caged dive while using chum to attract sharks for viewing. That makes about as much sense as the Pope performing a Jewish wedding. The shark is off the hook this time.
Housing is at an all time low.
Oil is at $100 a barrel.
Oil Company's reported record income for 07.
The Bearcats blew another game.
Drew Peterson claims he didn't kill his 4th wife, who is missing, or have anything to do with his 3rd wife's death, which is now being ruled a homicide. (Ladies...you may want to avoid this guy)
Someone in Iraq blew themselves up.
And to top it all off, my 3 year old woke up with a diaper that would have offended Pigpen from the Peanut's gang.
Lucky for me, I am a "the glass is half full" kind of guy. I mean, not all is bad. I have my health. President Bush only has a few more months in office. Spring training games started yesterday. I have a wonderful wife and 3 great kids, along with a loving family. So let's take all of this negative and turn it into a positive. Based on what we have covered today, I offer you this parting advice:
"Stay inside. Plan a vacation to either South Africa or South Korea, but stay away from the Bahama's. Buy a Hybrid car and stock in an oil company. Don't put your house on the market just yet. If you are moving into a new house and plan on having a house warming party...do not invite Drew Peterson. Be happy the Bearcats are at least competitive this year, and avoid my 3 year old until a bath has been administered.
Good Day!!!!!!
let's see what is making the headlines today:
The dollar is at an all time low. Well that can't be good. It seems the only 2 Countries where the dollar is still worth more than the local currency are South Africa and South Korea. Anyone planning on going there any time soon?
On the heel's of the dollars value being worth about as much as Bill "Willy" Cunningham's endorsement of John McCain, we have President Bush insisting we are not in a recession. According to our beloved Commander in Chief, we are in a "Economic Slowdown". I tried to look up the difference but was unable to find anything that clearly separated the two. It's really just semantics anyway isn't it?
An Australian Lawyer was killed by a shark while diving in the Bahama's. OK..this peaks my interest. We all know that my greatest fear in life is to be attacked by a shark, somehow make it to shore...only to be bit by a poisonous snake while bleeding on the beach. What? Everyone has an idea on the worst way to die, right? Anyway, I'm feeling bad for this guy, right. Stupid sharks. Wait a minute....uhhhh.....nevermind. Stupid Lawyer. Turns out the wise Aussie was doing an un-caged dive while using chum to attract sharks for viewing. That makes about as much sense as the Pope performing a Jewish wedding. The shark is off the hook this time.
Housing is at an all time low.
Oil is at $100 a barrel.
Oil Company's reported record income for 07.
The Bearcats blew another game.
Drew Peterson claims he didn't kill his 4th wife, who is missing, or have anything to do with his 3rd wife's death, which is now being ruled a homicide. (Ladies...you may want to avoid this guy)
Someone in Iraq blew themselves up.
And to top it all off, my 3 year old woke up with a diaper that would have offended Pigpen from the Peanut's gang.
Lucky for me, I am a "the glass is half full" kind of guy. I mean, not all is bad. I have my health. President Bush only has a few more months in office. Spring training games started yesterday. I have a wonderful wife and 3 great kids, along with a loving family. So let's take all of this negative and turn it into a positive. Based on what we have covered today, I offer you this parting advice:
"Stay inside. Plan a vacation to either South Africa or South Korea, but stay away from the Bahama's. Buy a Hybrid car and stock in an oil company. Don't put your house on the market just yet. If you are moving into a new house and plan on having a house warming party...do not invite Drew Peterson. Be happy the Bearcats are at least competitive this year, and avoid my 3 year old until a bath has been administered.
Good Day!!!!!!
Friday, February 22, 2008
"God Hates Gay's"?
I figured that headline would get your attention. I spend a lot of time searching the internet looking for all kinds of things. The kind of things that we may not know exist. Along with watching TV News programs, this is where I come up with a majority of my topics. Recently I heard about a man from Topeka Kansas. This is no ordinary man. He is the Pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church, and has 13 children. Sounds like a decent guy so far, right? The way I see it....not so Much. His name is Fred Phelps and he is the owner of the website "God Hates Fags.com" That was all I needed to spark my interest, and proceeded to research this individual. Reading about this man made my skin crawl. While I promote that everyone is entitled to their opinion, I found it hard to accept anything this hate monger had to say as acceptable. He does not share his views as his belief, but as the way it is. All of his children share in his beliefs and are active members of his cult.....I mean congregation. Let me start by giving you a brief run-down of this man:
Fred Waldron Phelps, Sr. (born November 13, 1929) is the pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), an independent Baptist church in Topeka, Kansas. He is a disbarred lawyer and founder of the Phelps Chartered law firm. WBC is listed as a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is known for preaching with slogans and banners denoting phrases such as "Thank God for 9/11", "God hates fags," "AIDS cures fags," and "Fags die, God laughs (or mocks)," and claims that God will punish homosexuals as well as people such as Bill O'Reilly, Coretta Scott King, Ronald Reagan, and Howard Dean, whom his church considers "fag-enablers". His church says he is a "Five-Point Calvinist" I would give you the definition of this, but it is long and confusing. I do however recommend looking it up). He has also thanked God for the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake.
Phelps and his followers frequently picket various events, especially military funerals, gay pride gatherings, and high-profile political gatherings, arguing it is their sacred duty to warn others of God's anger. When criticized, Phelps' followers say they are protected in doing so by the First Amendment. In May 2006 President Bush signed the Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act in response to Phelps' protests at military funerals (something Bush got right). In April 2007, Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius signed into law a bill banning the protest of funerals.
Phelps says that he is a preacher who believes that homosexuality and its acceptance have doomed most of the world to eternal damnation. The church at Westboro which he leads has 71 confirmed members, 60 of whom are related to Phelps through blood or marriage or both.
The group is built around a core of anti-homosexual theology, with many of their activities stemming from the slogan "God hates fags," which is also the name of the group's main website. Gay rights activists, as well as Christians of virtually every denomination, have denounced him as a producer of anti-gay propaganda and violence-inspiring hate speech.
Phelps says he is an old school Baptist, which includes John Calvin's doctrine of unconditional election, the belief that God has elected certain people for salvation before birth. He says that almost nobody is a member of the elect, and furthermore that he and the members of his congregation (mostly his family) are the only members of the elect, because they are the only ones not afraid to publish the current relevant application of the word of God — in particular, that "God hates fags."
OK, that was a little longer than intended, but let's move on. Let me start by saying that I am not naive. I am well aware of the numerous anti-gay, anti-American, anti-whatever groups that exist among us. And as much as I disagree with them, or find their tactics appalling, they are protected under the law. It is something I have to deal with. But when did God start hating people? No matter what form of higher power you believe in, have you ever equated God and hatred as synonymous? Certain groups do believe that their God finds certain human acts as betrayal to his teachings. But I have never heard of God "hating" anyone. It is my understanding that God loves everyone, regardless of the mistakes you may feel God thinks others are making.
And what about his statement "Thank God for 9/11". Thousands of innocent people died that day, but he see's it as God's angry work. He claims natural disasters are God's way of punishing us. He even goes so far as to post this headline: "Thank God For the NIU Massacre. They are all in hell" on his other website www.godhatesamerica.com
Am I the only one who finds this outrageous? My stomach is churning as I write this. I simply can not fathom the idea of God causing, or being glad these things happened. I am sure that God get's angry at us for not taking care of his planet and each other. But sending in a mass murderer to spread his word? Come on! My personal beliefs are based on "The Golden Rule", that is how I was raised. Everyone has their own beliefs when it comes to God and Religion, and that is wonderful. Suggesting that God "hates" certain people, and even has them killed in cold blood, is not only absurd, but it is the worst possible way you could serve him. At least in my opinion it is.
Fred Waldron Phelps, Sr. (born November 13, 1929) is the pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), an independent Baptist church in Topeka, Kansas. He is a disbarred lawyer and founder of the Phelps Chartered law firm. WBC is listed as a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is known for preaching with slogans and banners denoting phrases such as "Thank God for 9/11", "God hates fags," "AIDS cures fags," and "Fags die, God laughs (or mocks)," and claims that God will punish homosexuals as well as people such as Bill O'Reilly, Coretta Scott King, Ronald Reagan, and Howard Dean, whom his church considers "fag-enablers". His church says he is a "Five-Point Calvinist" I would give you the definition of this, but it is long and confusing. I do however recommend looking it up). He has also thanked God for the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake.
Phelps and his followers frequently picket various events, especially military funerals, gay pride gatherings, and high-profile political gatherings, arguing it is their sacred duty to warn others of God's anger. When criticized, Phelps' followers say they are protected in doing so by the First Amendment. In May 2006 President Bush signed the Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act in response to Phelps' protests at military funerals (something Bush got right). In April 2007, Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius signed into law a bill banning the protest of funerals.
Phelps says that he is a preacher who believes that homosexuality and its acceptance have doomed most of the world to eternal damnation. The church at Westboro which he leads has 71 confirmed members, 60 of whom are related to Phelps through blood or marriage or both.
The group is built around a core of anti-homosexual theology, with many of their activities stemming from the slogan "God hates fags," which is also the name of the group's main website. Gay rights activists, as well as Christians of virtually every denomination, have denounced him as a producer of anti-gay propaganda and violence-inspiring hate speech.
Phelps says he is an old school Baptist, which includes John Calvin's doctrine of unconditional election, the belief that God has elected certain people for salvation before birth. He says that almost nobody is a member of the elect, and furthermore that he and the members of his congregation (mostly his family) are the only members of the elect, because they are the only ones not afraid to publish the current relevant application of the word of God — in particular, that "God hates fags."
OK, that was a little longer than intended, but let's move on. Let me start by saying that I am not naive. I am well aware of the numerous anti-gay, anti-American, anti-whatever groups that exist among us. And as much as I disagree with them, or find their tactics appalling, they are protected under the law. It is something I have to deal with. But when did God start hating people? No matter what form of higher power you believe in, have you ever equated God and hatred as synonymous? Certain groups do believe that their God finds certain human acts as betrayal to his teachings. But I have never heard of God "hating" anyone. It is my understanding that God loves everyone, regardless of the mistakes you may feel God thinks others are making.
And what about his statement "Thank God for 9/11". Thousands of innocent people died that day, but he see's it as God's angry work. He claims natural disasters are God's way of punishing us. He even goes so far as to post this headline: "Thank God For the NIU Massacre. They are all in hell" on his other website www.godhatesamerica.com
Am I the only one who finds this outrageous? My stomach is churning as I write this. I simply can not fathom the idea of God causing, or being glad these things happened. I am sure that God get's angry at us for not taking care of his planet and each other. But sending in a mass murderer to spread his word? Come on! My personal beliefs are based on "The Golden Rule", that is how I was raised. Everyone has their own beliefs when it comes to God and Religion, and that is wonderful. Suggesting that God "hates" certain people, and even has them killed in cold blood, is not only absurd, but it is the worst possible way you could serve him. At least in my opinion it is.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
If you don't like it, don't go!
"Bodies....The Exhibition". Educational or offensive? I don't have the answer to that. I have not seen the exhibit, but would very much like to. If for nothing else than to fill my curiosity. This is a touchy subject, and I am not going to give those who find it offensive a hard time for saying so. If you believe the exhibit is in bad taste, that is your opinion and you have every right to express it. But you are not getting off the hook that easy. Since this media circus came to town, I have seen numerous people praising it, along with those demanding it be shut down. That is where you go from being opinionated to being self righteous. If you do not like it....don't go!!!! It is that simple. Just like finding a TV show, a movie, or a magazine displeasing. By all means share your thoughts about why you personally do not agree with it. But don't demand it be "boycotted" because of the way you feel. Just don't spend your hard earned money on the event. Isn't that the best way to show your displeasure....by not donating any money towards it success? You can even sit out front and picket. I am ok with that. But do not try and make me feel bad for wanting to see it. I am not you, nor do I care to be.
A lady in today's paper wrote in saying that the company running the display should have spent the money they are making to find and return the bodies to their families and provide them with the dignity of a decent burial. She also asks where the freely signed papers to donate their bodies for educational purposes are. She closes by asking "Have we no shame left in this Country"? She makes reference to the story on 20/20 that told us these bodies are Chinese men who were murdered by a Totalitarian Communist regime. I have no idea how these people died. The report by 20/20 was speculation at best. Their source was apparently someone close to the exhibit. Was it a disgruntled employee? Was it someone looking to get paid? Who knows. Top officials from Premier Exhibitions, the firm running the exhibit, claim otherwise. They claim that all of the bodies were either unclaimed or willingly donated to medical schools and all were legally obtained: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/story/493233.html
This site even has a copy of the anatomical donation form: http://media.kansascity.com/smedia/2008/02/16/16/donation_form.source.prod_affiliate.81.pdf
Like anything else deemed "Controversial", you have a case of "He said, She said".
So who should be able to decide who can go and who can't. I would like to believe that decision is left up to the individual, or their guardians. Unfortunately, there are those who exist that feel it is up to them on who can go and who can't. The Most Reverend Daniel Pilarczyk decided that it was up to him whether or not any of the students attending Archdiocese of Cincinnati-affiliated schools can attend. And his decision was a very stern "No". I will give him some credit though. In his statement, Pilarczyk states “Whatever the merits of ‘Bodies’ as an educational exhibit, and however well intentioned the exhibit’s creators might be, it seems to me that the use of human bodies in this way fails to respect the persons involved. Therefore I do not believe that this exhibit is an appropriate destination for field trips by our Catholic schools. If parents, as the primary educators of their children, believe that it has educational value, they should be the ones to take their children to see it.” The credit I am referring to is that of him saying "it seems to me", and "I believe". Those are the kind of statements we like. Ones that express your opinion instead of telling us we are all going to hell if we go to the exhibit. Of course he throws the credit out the window when he states "The public exhibition of plasticized bodies, unclaimed, unreverenced, and unidentified, is unseemly and inappropriate." There he let's us know how it is rather than how he feels about it. You can view the Reverend's full statement at: http://news.enquirer.com/assets/AB9802912.DOC
So exactly where did all of this sand come from, and who is in charge of drawing the line in it? I guess that is left up to what you believe in. If you don't like it, don't go. But please keep me out of it. If nothing else...the more you tell me what an awful person I am for wanting to go, the more my desire to go increases. Sometimes bad publicity is the best publicity. And sometimes I like to do things just to piss people off. If it wasn't for people like me, what would people complain about?
A lady in today's paper wrote in saying that the company running the display should have spent the money they are making to find and return the bodies to their families and provide them with the dignity of a decent burial. She also asks where the freely signed papers to donate their bodies for educational purposes are. She closes by asking "Have we no shame left in this Country"? She makes reference to the story on 20/20 that told us these bodies are Chinese men who were murdered by a Totalitarian Communist regime. I have no idea how these people died. The report by 20/20 was speculation at best. Their source was apparently someone close to the exhibit. Was it a disgruntled employee? Was it someone looking to get paid? Who knows. Top officials from Premier Exhibitions, the firm running the exhibit, claim otherwise. They claim that all of the bodies were either unclaimed or willingly donated to medical schools and all were legally obtained: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/story/493233.html
This site even has a copy of the anatomical donation form: http://media.kansascity.com/smedia/2008/02/16/16/donation_form.source.prod_affiliate.81.pdf
Like anything else deemed "Controversial", you have a case of "He said, She said".
So who should be able to decide who can go and who can't. I would like to believe that decision is left up to the individual, or their guardians. Unfortunately, there are those who exist that feel it is up to them on who can go and who can't. The Most Reverend Daniel Pilarczyk decided that it was up to him whether or not any of the students attending Archdiocese of Cincinnati-affiliated schools can attend. And his decision was a very stern "No". I will give him some credit though. In his statement, Pilarczyk states “Whatever the merits of ‘Bodies’ as an educational exhibit, and however well intentioned the exhibit’s creators might be, it seems to me that the use of human bodies in this way fails to respect the persons involved. Therefore I do not believe that this exhibit is an appropriate destination for field trips by our Catholic schools. If parents, as the primary educators of their children, believe that it has educational value, they should be the ones to take their children to see it.” The credit I am referring to is that of him saying "it seems to me", and "I believe". Those are the kind of statements we like. Ones that express your opinion instead of telling us we are all going to hell if we go to the exhibit. Of course he throws the credit out the window when he states "The public exhibition of plasticized bodies, unclaimed, unreverenced, and unidentified, is unseemly and inappropriate." There he let's us know how it is rather than how he feels about it. You can view the Reverend's full statement at: http://news.enquirer.com/assets/AB9802912.DOC
So exactly where did all of this sand come from, and who is in charge of drawing the line in it? I guess that is left up to what you believe in. If you don't like it, don't go. But please keep me out of it. If nothing else...the more you tell me what an awful person I am for wanting to go, the more my desire to go increases. Sometimes bad publicity is the best publicity. And sometimes I like to do things just to piss people off. If it wasn't for people like me, what would people complain about?
Monday, February 18, 2008
If You Are Not a Republican, You are Worthless!
Shocking, I know. I was un-aware of this myself until this morning. I was reading the Daily paper like I do every morning. I always save the Forum section for last, because I don't like it when the rest of my paper reading experience is ruined by the select few who have decided that God made them better than everyone else. Funny thing is...every time someone writes in telling us all how we are wrong and they are right, they always seem to be supporting some kind of Republican issue. I found myself logging on to the papers website so I could respond to this all knowing person's comments. But then I decided I did not want to be "That Guy", so I aborted. I figured I would discuss it here instead. Plus, here I can give you the guys name who wrote in. It is John Lyden from Liberty Township, Ohio. When you respond in the paper they do not let you refer to the author by name, even though it is posted at the bottom of the letter. I was going to include his address and phone number should anyone "want" it, but I was unable to locate it. But it really is not a surprise....it is always better for the high and mighty to be unlisted so us common folk don't try and track them down and tap some of their infinite wisdom. Let me start by posting Mr. Lyden's letter below. We can then go from there:
Two observations regarding syndicated columnist Maureen Dowd's whining, hypocritical column ("Clinton presents a flawed test case for women as leaders," Feb. 14), which tries to excuse Sen. Hillary Clinton's failure as a candidate:
First, Margaret Thatcher succeeded brilliantly in a man's world. She did it without surrendering her gender; she simply led. Second, comparing former President Clinton to Secretariat does the greatest racehorse in history an enormous and unwarranted disservice.
John Lyden, Liberty Township
Where do I start? Let's try this: The only thing more irritating than someone who makes statements without every inserting "in my opinion" or "I believe", or "the way I see it"....is being trapped in a corner by a pack of hungry Badgers, while you happen to be carrying 5 raw steaks in your pockets.
Right off the bat we see Mr. Lyden's superior IQ at work. All geniuses start off with name calling. I never saw Maureen Dowd as whining, or being hypocritical, but then again I am 7 brain cells shy of being a talking Monkey. So Thank you for pointing out that she is just a big cry-baby, and not a person with an "OPINION". I guess they should call it the "You people are all retarded, and I'm not" section, as opposed to the Opinion section. Anyway...I digress.
Next Mr. Lyden mentions the author "excusing Hillary Clintons failure as a candidate". Now don't get me wrong, I am not a Hillary supporter. I do however still have those 7 brain cells left, and even they are enough to tell me that being involved in such a historic nomination process points to anything but failure. If she were a failure, Obama would have McCain type numbers compared to her. So again, I guess he is filling in those of us who think "failure" and Successful" mean the same thing. Thank you for that Mr. Lyden.
Then we have the very factual...not opinionated....comment that "Margaret Thatcher succeeded brilliantly in a man's world without surrendering her gender." Look...I get that Hillary has a deep voice, but what the hell are you talking about? Ahh....I get it now. Margaret Thatcher was a member of the "Conservative" Party. Conservative Party...hmmm...why does that ring a bell?. Do you think that Mr. Lyden is aware of the fact that the British Conservative party used to be known as the "Tories"? The word Tories was originally used to describe rural bandits in Ireland. In the 17th century it had become a term applied to monarchists in the House of Commons. By the 18th century the Tories were politicians who favoured royal authority, the established church and who sought to preserve the traditional political structure and opposed parliamentary reform. After 1834 this political group in the House of Commons preferred to use the term Conservative. So they basically changed their name from "bandits" to "conservatives". IN MY OPINION, that sounds about right. Coincidence? Hillary is not my cup of tea, but I'm not sure where she abandoned her gender along the way. Woman voters seem to like her. But what do those silly liberals know. If you are not a Republican, you are worthless...right Mr. Lyden?
As far as the comment about comparing Bill Clinton to the race horse Secretariat, what can you really say about that? Sure Bill acted like a horse's ass now and again. But it is hard to argue facts. Facts can be distorted, sure. But when they are actual facts...they are hard to dispute. And the fact remains that the United States of America was in the best shape it has ever been in during the Clinton years. I don't care if you are a Republican or a Dem....when you look at the numbers as a whole...things were good. If you would like more detail on what he did for the people of this country.....all the people, you can get it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_Administration
So what have we learned here today? Probably nothing. But the way I see it, people are more likely to listen to what you have to say if you talk to them....not at them. Express your views as just that....Your Views. If everyone agreed on everything, life would be more boring than attending a 3 day convention on the proper way to watch paint dry. I'm going to go out on a limb and make the assumption that the great horse Secretariat, no matter what dog's stomach he lies in, is not turning in his horsey grave thinking it is a "great disservice" to be compared to Bill Clinton. Who knows, maybe Secretariat was a Democrat.
Two observations regarding syndicated columnist Maureen Dowd's whining, hypocritical column ("Clinton presents a flawed test case for women as leaders," Feb. 14), which tries to excuse Sen. Hillary Clinton's failure as a candidate:
First, Margaret Thatcher succeeded brilliantly in a man's world. She did it without surrendering her gender; she simply led. Second, comparing former President Clinton to Secretariat does the greatest racehorse in history an enormous and unwarranted disservice.
John Lyden, Liberty Township
Where do I start? Let's try this: The only thing more irritating than someone who makes statements without every inserting "in my opinion" or "I believe", or "the way I see it"....is being trapped in a corner by a pack of hungry Badgers, while you happen to be carrying 5 raw steaks in your pockets.
Right off the bat we see Mr. Lyden's superior IQ at work. All geniuses start off with name calling. I never saw Maureen Dowd as whining, or being hypocritical, but then again I am 7 brain cells shy of being a talking Monkey. So Thank you for pointing out that she is just a big cry-baby, and not a person with an "OPINION". I guess they should call it the "You people are all retarded, and I'm not" section, as opposed to the Opinion section. Anyway...I digress.
Next Mr. Lyden mentions the author "excusing Hillary Clintons failure as a candidate". Now don't get me wrong, I am not a Hillary supporter. I do however still have those 7 brain cells left, and even they are enough to tell me that being involved in such a historic nomination process points to anything but failure. If she were a failure, Obama would have McCain type numbers compared to her. So again, I guess he is filling in those of us who think "failure" and Successful" mean the same thing. Thank you for that Mr. Lyden.
Then we have the very factual...not opinionated....comment that "Margaret Thatcher succeeded brilliantly in a man's world without surrendering her gender." Look...I get that Hillary has a deep voice, but what the hell are you talking about? Ahh....I get it now. Margaret Thatcher was a member of the "Conservative" Party. Conservative Party...hmmm...why does that ring a bell?. Do you think that Mr. Lyden is aware of the fact that the British Conservative party used to be known as the "Tories"? The word Tories was originally used to describe rural bandits in Ireland. In the 17th century it had become a term applied to monarchists in the House of Commons. By the 18th century the Tories were politicians who favoured royal authority, the established church and who sought to preserve the traditional political structure and opposed parliamentary reform. After 1834 this political group in the House of Commons preferred to use the term Conservative. So they basically changed their name from "bandits" to "conservatives". IN MY OPINION, that sounds about right. Coincidence? Hillary is not my cup of tea, but I'm not sure where she abandoned her gender along the way. Woman voters seem to like her. But what do those silly liberals know. If you are not a Republican, you are worthless...right Mr. Lyden?
As far as the comment about comparing Bill Clinton to the race horse Secretariat, what can you really say about that? Sure Bill acted like a horse's ass now and again. But it is hard to argue facts. Facts can be distorted, sure. But when they are actual facts...they are hard to dispute. And the fact remains that the United States of America was in the best shape it has ever been in during the Clinton years. I don't care if you are a Republican or a Dem....when you look at the numbers as a whole...things were good. If you would like more detail on what he did for the people of this country.....all the people, you can get it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_Administration
So what have we learned here today? Probably nothing. But the way I see it, people are more likely to listen to what you have to say if you talk to them....not at them. Express your views as just that....Your Views. If everyone agreed on everything, life would be more boring than attending a 3 day convention on the proper way to watch paint dry. I'm going to go out on a limb and make the assumption that the great horse Secretariat, no matter what dog's stomach he lies in, is not turning in his horsey grave thinking it is a "great disservice" to be compared to Bill Clinton. Who knows, maybe Secretariat was a Democrat.
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