Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hometown Politics

Let me ask all of you a question. If someone does not agree with you on a certain issue, are they a bad person, or are they a person with a voice, just like you? I know my answer. And I believe I know what the majority of you would say. Unfortunately, there are those living among us who do not share this same philosophy. It is either their way or the wrong way, that is it. I love Anderson Township. I have lived here all my life and I plan on keeping it that way. I can’t think of a better place I would want to raise my family. The residents are good, decent people who, for the most part, care about their neighbors. This is a community that would come together and help total strangers if need be. Sadly though, there is one area that divides us greatly, and that is Politics. It is not sad because people believe in different sides. That is actually one of the things that make this nation so great. It is sad because during the recent election, ignorance and hatred took over political opinion, and that is lose-lose for everyone.
One of the most abused amendments in this country is the freedom of speech. Since when does putting a sign in your place of business that not only lies about someone, but attacks their race and their religion, become an acceptable platform for expressing your constitutional right? Since when does writing letters to the editor calling everyone idiots for voting the wrong guy into office equal respecting your fellow man/woman’s right to their own opinion? Since when does saying things like “I hope Obama gets assassinated,” and “it is called the White House for a reason,” represent caring for one another? These are all things I have seen and heard in Anderson over the past few weeks, and I have to say….I find it disgusting.
If you want to place a sign in your place of business showing support for a certain candidate, by all means do it. We all do it. But don’t insult the rest of us by doing so. If you want to display your dis-satisfaction with a candidate, do it, but have your facts straight. Do you think the owner of that business knows that Barrack Obama is not even a Muslim, he is a Christian? Or do you think he just doesn’t care? And what if he was a Muslim? What’s the point? Islam is the second largest religion in the world. So when you portray someone as a Muslim terrorist, the message I am getting is that they think ALL Muslims are terrorists. Considering there are over 2.5 billion practicing Muslims, this claim is not only ignorant, it is completely absurd. It is on a level of disrespect to not just Muslims, but all people of faith, that can’t be explained. But karma is a funny thing, and my guess is that the sales for that business will reflect that in the future.
Here’s one that totally caught me off guard: “It is called the White House for a reason.” Do I really need to discuss what is wrong with that statement? I didn’t think so.
How about “He is not our first African American President, he is our first bi-racial President.” I love how some people want to get all technical and try to take away anything they can from Obama. Again, look at the facts. Considering his Father is from Africa and his Mother is from America, I would say that makes him our first African American President in every sense of the word.
The intent of this article is not to praise President-elect Obama. It is to point out that we should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing this kind of behavior. Had John McCain won, I have no doubt people would be doing the same thing to him, and it would be just as wrong. This is bigger than Republican and Democrat, black and white. This is about respect and hoping for the best for our country. So your guy didn’t win, sorry about that. But rather than spending enormous amounts of energy trying to convince everyone of what a horrible mistake we made, how about getting behind your country and rooting him on to succeed. The way I see it is if President-elect Obama fixes this country, we all win in some shape or form. It is going to take a while for him to correct all of the failed policies of the past eight years. But until he screws up, give him the benefit of the doubt. When President Bush was elected, it was not what I wanted at the time. But I hoped and prayed that he would make the place I love great. I gave him the benefit of the doubt until he screwed up. This is about being an American and wanting the United States of America restored to it glorious position among nations. Maybe you don’t think he can do it. And maybe he can’t. We won’t know that for a while. But stop using the “he has no experience” card. There is only one thing that qualifies you to be President, and that is actually BEING President. Bill Clinton and George Bush didn’t have badges that said “qualified to be President.” The experience comes from doing the job.
The post election edition of the Forest Hills Journal had a section displaying people’s reaction to the election. I was one of those people. Along with me, 2 other’s said they were going to back Obama. Basically saying what I am here. He is my President and I am behind him until he gives me a reason not too. I found this a bit strange considering Anderson Township is not known for its strong Democrat support. However, I have to say I was amused by the one individual who was not to happy with the results. The fact that he said he didn’t, and still does not want Obama as his President didn’t bother me. That is him voicing his opinion. It was how he listed inaccurate and biased information supporting his thoughts. He said that the Mean spirited attacks on John McCain by Barrack Obama will not be forgotten. If he wants to remember all of the ad’s and dwell on them, that is his right. But please don’t write a letter insulting our intelligence. Not only did BOTH sides run negative campaign ad’s, but every poll I could find before writing this letter shows America believes McCain ran a dirtier campaign. So to try and spin it thinking the rest of us missed all of those ads is not only biased, but it is simply incorrect. Then again, the author of that letter has made it no secret on he feels about people associated with the dreaded “D” word.
Think about it. If someone does not agree with your views, respect them for that. You are not right and vice versa. We all have a voice and we should use it. But in the process don’t try and quiet someone else’s. Of course this is all just my opinion, and like anything else in life, I could be wrong.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I'm Back

For anyone that actually reads the dribble I write, I apolagize for not posting anything in a few months. I was suffering from major writers block, and I didn't want to just throw anything up there. The election was getting to easy and everyone was writing about it. I have been working on some things and will have new posts soon

Friday, August 29, 2008

Republican's Don't Use Turn signals!!!!!

It's true. Republicans do not use their turn signals. At first I figured it was just a coincidence. But after seeing it 5 times within 3 days, I decided to start paying attention. If you have not said "what the hell is he talking about" yet, let me explain. It's simple really. Cars with a McCain or Bush bumper sticker did not use the proper method of letting other motorists know they were about to make a turn. Cars with an Obama sticker did. There you have it. You can't argue with science.

So why is this? Do Republicans think they are above the law? Is it all about them? Should we just get out of their way and let them do what they want, no matter how dangerous it may be, or no matter how bad the outcome may be? Oh...wait a minute...all of this sounds rather familiar. Who recently did their own thing with no concern for the potential outcome? It's on the tip of my tongue. Why can't I think of it? You know...he didn't care about others and acted in a very dangerous manner. The end result was/has been disastrous? Oh will come to me.

Think about it. This earth shattering research has huge implications in the up-coming election. Do we want a country full of non turn signal using citizens? Or do we want a country full of polite, courteous drivers? I'm not saying who to vote for. I'm just saying.

Whats next? Another war we don't need? Higher gas prices? More Americans working harder for less? And to all starts with not using your turn signal. So next time I am driving, it should be easy to tell who is voting for whom this November.

By the way...has anyone come up with who I am trying to think of? I can't believe I don't remember. Oh know what they say: "if you can't remember something, it's either a lie or not important".

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Stay Out Of My Damn Garbage!!!!!

So your driving down the street on garbage night, and you notice someone has thrown out a sofa that seems to be in decent shape. You're down on your luck at the moment, and every little bit helps. The family that set it on the curb obviously doesn't need it anymore, so you might as well take it. Of course it's not truly free. You will have to spend $4.99 on some bug spray to kill the little critters that have made the old love seat their home.

Now if I am the one who set that couch next to my garbage containing my son's crap filled diapers, and you want it...I'm cool with that. Heck, if nothing else you are saving my garbage man some heavy lifting in the morning. But there is a line in the sand that should not be crossed when turning one's trash into your treasure. I am talking to all of you "Garbage Hunters". You know who you are. You drive around in your piece of crap truck that you have modified using 2X4's to build up the sides. You don't just take the big items left by the actually go through my garbage. The last 2 weeks I have caught these trash trackers opening my garbage cans and going through my recycling bin. What the hell are you looking for? But that is not the worst part. They leave the garbage they spill all over the yard. Tonight I actually said something to Billy Bob and his wife/sister. I asked her what she was doing in my garbage and she said "Just Looking". Are you flipping serious? LOOKING FOR WHAT? I told the tobacco chewing woman to pick up the trash she spilled, and she tried to tell me it was like that when she got there. Right...because I have 6 foot racoons in my neighborhood that can open 5 foot garbage cans that are strapped shut. She then went on to tell me that the curb is public property and she was not breaking any laws. I don't know if that is true or not, so I moved my trash back 5 feet right in front of her and told her I was pretty sure that wasn't public property. She then picked up her 3 month old and left. (OK..I made that last part up).

Listen....if you want a big item that I call junk..go ahead. But stop rooting through my garbage cans like you are going to find $1000 in cash. And if you spill something during your excavation...put it back. It is bad enough you feel the need to collect things that are...well....CRAP. So do me a favor, and "STAY OUT OF MY DAMN GARBAGE!!!!!!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Honor Them All

For months I have been wanting to talk about a certain topic, but have refrained due to the fact that no matter how well my intentions may be, there are people out there who will brand me Un-American for speaking such blasphemy. But comimg off Memorial Day weekend, I couldn't hold it in any more. I am talking about the attention Matt Maupin, and more importantly his parents, have received over the past year. But before I go any further let me make a few things clear. For starters, Matt Maupin is a true hero. He gave his life for his country, and paid the ultimate price. For that, he should be honored. Also, his parents are to be commended for wanting to raise awareness on all casualties in Iraq, and for wanting to set up scholarships for family members of fallen soldiers. They did not have to do this, yet they chose to anyway.

But the fact that Matt Maupins parents, and the Cincinnati media decided that he was the most important fallen soldier in Iraq was just way too over the top for me. In my opinion, the funeral was handled in poor taste. Why did the Maupin parents think his funeral deserved a 40,000 seat arena with full police escort and road closings, but other Cincinnati fallen soldiers did not? How much did that funeral and procession cost the tax payers? Between all of the police, and required clean up after, I'm guessing a lot.

Matt's parents took every opportunity they could to be in the spotlight. And we all fell in love with them. It was as if we could feel their pain. After all, I can't imagine anything worse than losing a child. They were the poster child for great parents and great people. They were pure, and just wanted to make the world a better place. Then after Matt was finally put to rest, the "lesser" media started reporting on things the Maupins did that go against their poster status. There was the report that they allegedly did not collect the donated money legally. There is the news of Father Maupin being arrested in 1988 for gross sexual imposition, among other things. The arrest really has nothing to do with anything. But would people have opened there arms, and wallets as generously as they did had they known that from the get-go? If the money was not handled properly, how would you feel about your donation now? You were doing a good thing by donating. But had it been reported earlier, would they have raised as much money? Or would you have felt uncomfortable donating it? These are all situations that beg the question: :" Are the Maupins who we thought they were"? I don't know the answer to that yet. I do know that I am deeply disturbed that there are even allegations about it. Something smells fishy, and it's not last nights leftover tuna.

This brings me to my biggest complaint. The very idea of naming a section of I-275 after Matt Maupin is not only a slap in the face to all of the local families who lost loved ones in Iraq, but it is a kick in the ass to those who ACTUALLY LOST THEIR LIVES IN IRAQ.

Now for those of you who failed to actually read what I said about Matt in my opening, and think I am just a Maupin Basher, let me set you straight. The point I have been making is that many other soldiers from Cincinnati lost their lives in Iraq as well. The list is too long to post, but here are just a few: Dyer, Lance Cpl. Christopher J; Freeman, Spc. Daniel J; Haunert, Pvt. Branden P; Kreuter, Cpl. David Kenneth J; Miller, Pfc. James H; Pummill, Staff Sgt. Richard T; Rogers, Sgt. 1st Class Gregory S; Roos, Cpl. Timothy D; Swisher, Capt. Tyler B; Weber, Cpl. Robert F.

Has anyone that was not close to those for-mentioned, ever heard of them? Why not? Why did we experience Maupin mania, yet never heard more than a 30 second snippet on the news about the others? So here is my advice. If the City wants to rename a section of I-275, come up with a name that honors ALL of the local fallen hero's. I have to believe that even Matt would want it that way. But I have yet to hear his parents suggest honoring the others by name. Do they really need their name on a stretch of blacktop that bad? Do the right thing Mr. and Mrs. Maupin. Respect the other soldiers and their families as well. Realize that you are not the only parents in Cincinnati suffering loss.

So to those of you that have branded me a terrorist for saying such things, that is your right as an American. But I served in the Military. I was in the 1st Gulf War. And had I perished during that time, and saw my parents and the Cincinnati Media behaving that way, I would have been embarrassed. Death of a loved one affects that family and is personal. But when it comes to home grown soldier's who made the ultimate sacrifice, everyone is a hero, and they should ALL be remembered...not just one of them.