Friday, August 29, 2008

Republican's Don't Use Turn signals!!!!!

It's true. Republicans do not use their turn signals. At first I figured it was just a coincidence. But after seeing it 5 times within 3 days, I decided to start paying attention. If you have not said "what the hell is he talking about" yet, let me explain. It's simple really. Cars with a McCain or Bush bumper sticker did not use the proper method of letting other motorists know they were about to make a turn. Cars with an Obama sticker did. There you have it. You can't argue with science.

So why is this? Do Republicans think they are above the law? Is it all about them? Should we just get out of their way and let them do what they want, no matter how dangerous it may be, or no matter how bad the outcome may be? Oh...wait a minute...all of this sounds rather familiar. Who recently did their own thing with no concern for the potential outcome? It's on the tip of my tongue. Why can't I think of it? You know...he didn't care about others and acted in a very dangerous manner. The end result was/has been disastrous? Oh will come to me.

Think about it. This earth shattering research has huge implications in the up-coming election. Do we want a country full of non turn signal using citizens? Or do we want a country full of polite, courteous drivers? I'm not saying who to vote for. I'm just saying.

Whats next? Another war we don't need? Higher gas prices? More Americans working harder for less? And to all starts with not using your turn signal. So next time I am driving, it should be easy to tell who is voting for whom this November.

By the way...has anyone come up with who I am trying to think of? I can't believe I don't remember. Oh know what they say: "if you can't remember something, it's either a lie or not important".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just want to comment on your blog description: No matter how much we want to believe we are outside ideology apparatuses, even "being outside" (and having your own opinion) has been anticipated by ideology. It sounds a bit like The Matrix, I know. But we might just admit that we do and think whatever we CAN. Check Louis Althusser on ideological state apparatuses. Ciao
Lustige Lola