Saturday, May 3, 2008


I no longer blame the oil companies for treating us like the red headed step-child that gets beat behind the wood shed. It is simple supply and demand. There is nothing we can do about it short of not driving, and that is about as realistic as a one legged man winning an ass kicking competition. Does it suck? Of course it does. But we don't need to encourage the gas giants to charge us $4 for a gallon of their precious product. And that is exactly what is happening.

For starters, is Cincinnati so boring that the most interesting lead story on the news EVERY night is the rising price of gas? And do the news stations not see what they are doing? Don't they understand that by reporting on a daily basis that gas is going to hit $4 a gallon, they are making it easier for the oil companies to do so? The way I see it, the oil company big wigs are sitting back and laughing at us. They figure that since we are constantly reminded that gas is going to cost more than a 12 pack of Milwaukee's Best, it won't be a shock when they actually do it. And since it won't be a shock, why not do it sooner rather than later? I don't need my news cast to start off with a live feed from the local BP station to realize that gas prices are going up. I may not be the smartest bead on the rosary, but I am a bead. Maybe if we stopped announcing to Exxon that we are ready for their $4 gas, they would hold off on raising it to that. Maybe they won't. Does this make sense? Basicly what I am saying is that by telling us every day that gas is going to be worth more than my entire share of Texas Instruments stock, they are helping the oil companies take away the sting from when they go ahead and do it.

I am just amazed by the media's obsession with it. It is getting worse than when we are expecting 2 inches of snow, and they report live from Kroger to kick off the broadcast. I am certain that something happened in the city that day that is far more interesting than something I already know. While their at it, why don't they just go ahead and tell me the sun is going to rise tomorrow? Stupid media (sorry Tara) :)

1 comment:

Lisa Logan said...

It's already over $4 a gallon here in SoCal, and sadly yeah, that's big news at my house as we aren't wealthy enough to shrug it off when $25 doesn't even nudge the Toyota's gauge to 3/4. I walk to work 2-3 days a week, carpool, and drive as little as possible, and when I DO buy gas, I try to do so from stations that don't buy foreign oil. It's still taking up more of our budget than I'd like.